(no subject)

Feb 25, 2010 15:37

My result/analysis/discussion section is going to be very bitty? Non-linear. Mainly because I'm still trying to work what when I should say something, and when I've started writing something, I find that, while similar, it's not exactly what I should be talking about at that point, so that gets a box drawn around it until I reach the part where I can stick this in. =/ Really not sure if I can plan this out. XD;; Amusing to me since this is what I'm researching.

So I'd saved everyone as a number, to make sure it's anonymous. But now that I've started writing it, I've realised that I need to make pseudonyms for them too, if/when I grab a big quote off them. So I had to go make a list of all their names to make sure I didn't give someone a name whose was actually the name of another participant.

... Are any of these sentences making sense?

general: uni: honours project

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