
Apr 07, 2009 05:14

Okay, so I've got a presentation to give today and I've known for over a week. Have a prepared for it? Nope. Kept on going, 'Aah, I can prepare for it on Sunday/Monday/uh... whoops'.

I've been spending last night and this morning trying to re-find a beta-reader for The Oracle. ^ ^;; Got one now.

On the other hand, this presentation is meant to be about two minutes long so I think I'll be able to prepare for it today since I'm doing it at, what, four? Something like that. ;p Not to mention, the tutor's one of the most laid-back and energetic tutors you could have. Ever. :D She's the best.

So I'll be all right.


fanfic: the oracle, general: uni, fandom: storm hawks

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