
Apr 06, 2009 14:09

Finished the second Creative Writing piece. I had so much fun writing it - it's just sad that I had to cut it short because of the word count - and the descriptions are pretty bare as it is. D: I've got about eighty words left but if I keep on going, I'll go over. Arg. No.

Does she sound like a child? Uh... No? In some places, it's still long words and her being calm. Except in the places where she/I overuse the exclamation mark. ^ ^;;

Alex had to be changed. ;p Ah well, it wasn't exactly the same world anyway.

*snerk* I had a bit of a dilemma because I realised that all the characters were male - what, there's no female mages? I didn't want make the other mage female because it seemed like I was going 'women are evil' stereotype or maybe I'm just thinking about this too much?

I might not have seven chapters of The Oracle. ^ ^ It kinda depends on if I want to do 'And then Piper was working there for a couple of months...'. Eh, I'll just have to see.

The third chapter's probably halfway done.

I need to have icons of Stork in Origins!

fanfic: the oracle, general: uni, fandom: storm hawks, writing

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