
Dec 18, 2008 17:01

Handed in my last coursework for this semester - 2,500 word essay. Rushed and contradictional. Blarg. Why? Had another 2,500 word groupwork report to hand in last Wednesday. You know what happens when you get into groups. Definitely not as bad as the last one, but it could have gone better.

Just realised this yesterday: for the past five days, I've been going in to uni at nine and usually leaving at 5 ot 6. Apart from the weekends, where it's 10 to three, because that's when the library opens and it closes at four. @___@ My classes either finish at four, after coming in for about two-four hours or I have a day off. All for this essay. Gah.

Got the marks back from my Individual Differences essay yesterday - 66%. :D The best I've gotten so far on an essay, I think. The thing is... I was flicking through it because one of the comments said that I had showed some critical thinking in the essay but I couldn't remember. And, uh, I have a habit of underlining things to say to myself to change the word/sentence to something else.

Yeah, didn't take them out. ^ ^;;; At least there were only two of them and it was only a word underlined in each one.


The first five people to comment in this post get to request a sketch of a character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their drawing ability level. If you absolutely can't draw, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to offer drabbles or icons or something instead.

Because lucathia_rykatu drew me Jing. <3 I'll be doing fic/ficlets because there's more chance of the character being recognisable in my writing rather than my drawing. Character and a prompt please. ^ ^

Soo... since I had coursework to do, obviously I procrastinated. ^ ^ Here's a list and a very brief, to the point summary.

Until Death do us Part: A modern-day blind swordsman and a girl with precognitive (??) powers.

Bartender. Well, you can guess, can't you? The main character looks like a grown up Jing from Jing: King of Bandits. This makes it hilarious for me. XD

Asklepios: Olden-day-ish (set before proper surgery anyway) where the Church is after a 'ripper-demon'. Said ripper demon is the last of his line boy who practices surgery . (>__< Baaaad summary)

Tantei Gakuen Q: Detective school.

Chrome Shelled Regios - Missing Mail: Humans are living in mobile cities. One of these cities is a school. The main character leaves his hometown to go there, wanting to leave his fighting days behind him and live a normal life. Yeah, guess what happens?

Personant: One-shot. What could society be like if the government decided that, to get rid of prejudice, racism, out-groups/in-groups, they would make everyone wear masks so that everyone was the same?

Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen: To stop their countries from destroying each other in a war, the prince and princess declare that they are in love when they can't stand each other.

.___. Omg, my summaries very much such.

Bartender: OMG! So. Much. Freaking love for this! I think I've read it about six times already. ^ ^;; Sasukura really does look like a grown up Jing (but that could just be me). But-but-but-! *flails* So, to me, he looks like Jing. And he works in a bar. Surrounded by alcohol. *snickers* Was very very amused when Kir Royale appeared in the anime, though not as a drink-of-the-episode. Which was probably one of the few things I like about the anime, really. The swapped about people's pasts and lives and the animation wasn't all that great either.

Another Jing tie-in? He can stuff three wine bottles down his jacket. XD

But the people scanlating it may have stopped completely. .____. Awww.

I'd love to write fanfic for this but the amount of research for the drinks and way it's prepared, history, taste, meaning behind it... @___@

Personant: Really interesting for me to read. But I got a few problems with it. So the government want people to get along by getting rid of what sets people apart. Okay, so this mask covers everything one it's put on.

But I just don't see everyone being willing to essentially lose their identity so readily. The manga's set one-hundred years after the law was implemented so that everyone had to wear the mask but... Well, I'm on the fence if it could be that short a time for everyone to accept that. Guess looking back a hundred years from now...

But I have no idea how people can tell who they're talking to. Unless they've got some sort of tracker system or something. Gah.

Just a tiny little bit unnearved how Oly was talking about how, because of the personants, there isn't war, poverty and all that jazz, and right behind her is all rubble from broken down buildings.

Very unnerved how a personant is put on you as soon as you're born. And it decides for you who you're going to marry, what job you're going to do. *coughcoughnaturevsnurturedebatecoughcough* Plus, the personants boost your immune system. So... if those go, the human race is screwed.

So I'm guessing people are born from test-tubes considering how peolpe find showing any skin sickening. People don't know what the person they're married to looks like.

And, just realised this. Getting rid of differences won't get rid of all crimes and all that!

So, loved this a lot but just, um, a few things that bothered me.

Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen: Do you have to give a summary at the start of every. Single. Chapter?

fandom: personant, fandom: zettai heiwa daisakusen, general: meme, fandom: until death do us part, fandom: tantei gakuen q, fandom: askelepios, fandom: bartender, general: uni, general: reading

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