'Tis a sad day...

Nov 19, 2008 09:56

when after you've handed in the coursework the day before, and then the next morning, you're packing your bag for uni, and when thinking about what you're going to do before the lecture starts you stop because you don't have any coursework to prepare for! ...And then you console youself with 'you can get started on your next coursework'! *facepalm*

The presentation went well. :) I forgot a few things, but I hadn't put them on the slide because I thought I would remember it. Rolls eyes. I found it interesting that people with DID, their alters could see things differently from them. But yeah, we started a little late, we had to hand in reflective logs beforehand. I really hope, because by the time I sat back down again (I was the first person to go up) it was twenty-five past. ...Hmmm, a little bit longer than what I was suppsed to do... Also very glad that I chose DID and not self-harm or PTSD like the other two because the tutor was asking some pretty hard questions for them. ^ ^

...Gah. So the other coursework I'm now doing? The questionnaire? Gah. I went to the café in my uni to go get some more participants and I was looking through them just now to go make sure that all the papers have been answered. So the questionnaire is about self-rated intelligence and its possible relationship with personality. So it's kinda important you answer all the questions. One person answered the self-rated intelligence question with 'I don't know!' *headdesk* So getting rid of that person since we can't use their data.

Some other people seem to be basing their intelligence on the IQ tests on the internet so it's not exactly a 'proper' standardised one or whatever and definitely not self-rated. Another person apparently took the Mensa test. @___@

general: uni

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