Um, yeah, World of Warcraft has eaten me. And I dun wanna write the next prompt for
tamingthemuse. Partially because I have no idea what to write, and partially because I'll be writing exactly the same thing as I do in most of my Fullmetal Ninja chapters. The prompt's 'eidetic' and I could use that with the problems that the brothers have with the language barrier. Again. Or use the fact that the gatebaby's memory isn't all that great. Again. I seem to write what I could also write about in later weeks.
Bleh. Leave it. Hopefully my next run'll be longer than three weeks. I still get an award. X3
Me and my friend (mostly my friend doing it all) have gotten the ending of the YYH/HP crossover now. What we have to do now is actually start writing it. And she has to get an LJ account. *hint* *HINT* We'll see if the plot stays on track. ^ ^;;