On Wednesday, I'd switched off my laptop but then I'd needed to go back on it a couple of hours later. When I did, it couldn't start up, saying that a file was corrupted and the I needed to put the setup CD to repair it.
I remembered where it was this morning and put it in. Uh, so the only way this is going to get repaired is if it resets everything and deletes everything that had been saved on it. DDDD:
Nooooooooo! I think the only reason why I'm not too upset is because I'd bought a pen drive a couple of months ago so all my important stuff (uni work, CV, fanfiction) is on that. Plus, most of what is on my computer, I can get again - the only thing I can't is my favourites. DD: Awwww.
The impotence of proofreading XD It has stuff of a sexual nature though, you've been warned.
How not to use powerpoint.
The rice game