Layout... #8? I think?

Mar 06, 2005 04:07

Double update today...

Firstly, this is a revamped old layout of mine, before it was just Orlando in front of a wooden background and a light shining behind him. Looking back, it was terrible! He didn't even have a shadow, so it looked a bit... off. I'm glad to say this version is *much* better :p

On with the layout...

Layout: Orlando Bloom

Style: Generator
Website: Not an issue
Custom Colors: None
Default Icon: Doesn't Matter
Best view: 1024x768

Layout: Preview

The background
The divider

You MUST upload to your own host. No direct linking!
(Image hosts listed here)


do you believe the world can be strange?


LASTN_TALK_READLINK=>%%messagecount%% bandaid%%mc-plural-s%%|


%%readlink%%Heal me|>edit">


You need to copy and paste the overrides into an editting programme (notepad, Word etc) and change all the url's to point to your images.
Also, all 'username's to your own username (Edit>Replace).
You can add information about yourself at the point labelled 'ABOUT YOU'. This'll show in your navigation bar.
Then, you need to copy and paste the whole lot underneath and change all the LASTN to FRIENDS (ie two copies of the same code, one with LASTN heads, one with FRIENDS head). If you want this for your calendar page as well, then paste it a third time and replace all the LASTN with CALENDAR.

Finally, come back to livejournal and go here. Make sure you're logged in!
Select 'Generator' for the style
Select 'Bumblebee' for the color scheme. This is just to get you started. Once the layout is working, you should (you don't have to) go back to modify journal and customize the colors for the links - the yellow looks a bit odd!
Copy and paste your editted overrides into the overrides box at the bottom.
Hit save!


If you have problems, check the troubleshooting section in the FAQs. If none of the suggestions help, ask. Alternatively, head over to everything_lj.
Ps. If you have any layout-related questions (like nabbing the codes) check the FAQs also.

layout, actor, orlando bloom

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