
Mar 03, 2005 14:23

Three different sets today ( Read more... )

icons, linkin park, music, harry potter, book, avril

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artistbynight March 3 2005, 18:45:23 UTC
Wow, great progression!

I *will* have tons of con-crit for you soon, but I am getting kicked off my laptop right now. *grumble*


darkicedphoenix March 4 2005, 01:40:55 UTC
It's amazing to see isn't it? From the point I posted the RH icons (which was about the same time I nabbed your bases) to my final Chester icon!


artistbynight March 4 2005, 04:11:44 UTC
Yes, it really is! I especially like this comparison here...

2:20 AM3/3
2:20 PM

... )


darkicedphoenix March 4 2005, 04:33:18 UTC
HAHA, when you put them next to each other it's even more obvious! Esp cos you've added the times - it's like 'We started with this... 36hours later... we finished with this!' *grins*

And yeah, I'm a quick study - if I wanna do something, then I wanna do it right! And oo-er, more good things? I'm tapped out! Tehe, j/k.


artistbynight March 5 2005, 22:03:18 UTC
I know ^^

LOL yeah.

Oh, and for the con-crit I promised:

My main suggestions for you here are firstly, EXPERIMENT WITH TEXT! Because you'd be surprised how much difference it makes ^^ (This is especially for the HP ones) And secondly, if you're not already doing so, save your icons as in *.png format rather than *.gif. I noticed you had some dithering issues in some of the early Harry ones.

Oh, and one more quick thing...for the lines under the text & small text, try lowering the opacity quite a bit, so it doesn't stick out so much, and/or bluring the edges so you get a nicer effect like this:

... )


darkicedphoenix March 6 2005, 05:14:18 UTC
Yeah, text. *sigh*.

Hehe, j/k. I know that's my weak area at the moment, and I have read various tutes about the lil accents and blurring the lines etc, I just need to make a great icon set to work with! I find that some sets are more about the visuals than the text, even if text does enhance them. Do I make sense?

(And I am using *.png now - I noticed the dithering too *facepalm*)

So, will get onto the text issue in my next set - right now I just finished my orli layout and am working on a one tree hill one - then a sex in the city one, buffy one and angel one. Requests requests requests!


artistbynight March 6 2005, 15:49:06 UTC
LOL, yeah, tuts are always a good place to start. And yes, you make sense, and yes, I agree ;)

(Good ^^ I've seen many, many great icons ruined by the infamous *.gif. It's just horrible. It's one of the reasons I don't do very many animations. *sigh*)

LOL, yes, requests can just get out of control, can't they?


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