Pic Spam - Channing Tatum

Mar 11, 2007 01:52

I usually spam over at my personal LJ, but then I thought, why not here? It's sort of graphics related... right? Haha. I'll eventually re-post existing spams here also, if I remember where all the links are LOL.

Anyway! Today's spam features the lovely Channing Tatum, complete with rippling six pac and is requested by peachykeen1. Hope this cheers you up babe :)

(Approx 20 large-ish images under the cut, so beware dial up folks)

Ok, so I'm not up on the Channing news of late - what the HECK is that wround his neck?!

'Maybe if I wear enough clothes, the fangirls will mistake me for Joey!'

Now this is just... weird. It's either editted or he really can balance on his hand like that!

Not-so-dark, but surely broody :)

Classic!Channing. Those lips are speaking to you, I swear...

This pic amuses me so. I really can't say why!

Channing: Oooh, smokin'!

I can play hoops, rule at football/soccer, ride supercross, street dance... and you thought I couldn't box?!


'nother Classic!Channing. I tell ya, I don't understand the lighting on this shot though.

Fangirls: *oogle/drool/faint* Channing: *snore*

*tarzan yell*

HEHE, he looks so *ickle*!!

*lmao* one of my fav scenes in the movie :) (Sorry for tininess :S)

And you wonder *why* Amanda Bynes wanted to join the Boys squad...

This promo... baffles me slightly. It's cool, don't get me wrong, but how does it relate?!

Silhoutte!Channing&Jenna. Well, almost.

Shake that groove thang'! I cannot believe I just said that o_O

This shot's pretty. They look happy, no?

Had to include this, my inner slasher squeed upon sight LOL. Even though I'd never considered this pairing haha.

Aaaaand, to finish up, a special one I hunted up for peachykeen1 - nudity warning!

Thank you for viewing! Do comment on this picspam! Feel free to suggest futures topics too :)

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