FST: black and blue [spain/romano]

Dec 15, 2009 23:49

I obsessed over this fanmix for a lot longer than I should have until I finally told myself, "STOP IT, IT'S FINE AS IT IS," and...here you go. I unfortunately found the art I edited for the cover randomly and lost the pixiv link for the little doodle in the corner of the back cover; if any of this art is yours and you'd like me to take it down, tell me. Like I said, I obsessed over this - to the extent that I actually have an alternate set of covers OTL

The songs can be rearranged, as they don't tell any particular story for the most part. I arranged them mostly based the music.

1. The Hush Sound - Love You Much Better [Spain]

Why do you sing to everybody but me?
Why do I let it go on?
You know that you've got such a music box song
In my head all day long
You fell for a girl with wild eyes
Dressed in satin and lace
Oh, but she's just an empty diamond mine
With a moan across her face

I can love you much better
If you can't see it, you're blind
I can love you much better
Oh, you know someday I'm gonna make you mine

You are the daydream in my eyes
There whenever I wake up
But the colors never crystallize
And I never get enough
Why do you kiss everybody but me?
I just sit back and watch
Oh, but one day soon I'm gonna grab you by the collar
Kiss you all I want

2. Eisley - Golly Sandra [Spain]

Golly Sandra, you've grown up really crazy
Have I been too denying of you?
Golly Sandra, you've grown up so crazy
Have I been too untrusting?
Take me down to the bridge
Where you know that I've always loved you
And I'll go without stopping
Oh, you are my scar
And that's not really far

Well, I guess I should have been around
To sing you to sleep
You look so beautiful it hurts me slightly

3. Motion City Soundtrack - When You're Around [Romano]

Midwest love affair
I bend when I am bored
Late night liquor blue will lead me to the floor
Can we fake it?
Can we make believe?
I'm so full of love it deeply sickens me

But all I could do was close my eyes
And cross my heart and hope to die
'Cause you don't fucking listen when I'm around
The least you could do is take it back
All the vicious remarks and verbal attacks
'Cause I can't fucking stand it when you're around

4. Stefy - Love You to Death [Romano]

No one else will ever know how to love me
Maybe I am broken
Deep inside I believe that you belong to me
But this remains unspoken

And I want you so much, you're not like the rest
It hurts when we touch, I love you to death
I can't breathe and I can't sleep
It's killing me, I love you to death
I can't be saved, the price I pay when you're away
I love you to death

5. Tegan and Sara - You Wouldn't Like Me [Romano]

There's a war inside of me
Do I cause new heartbreak to write a new broken song
Do I push it down or let it run me right into the ground
I feel like I wouldn't like me if I met me

Well I can't stop talking for fear of listening to unwelcome sound
And you haven't called me in weeks
And honestly it's bringing me down
Oh, I feel like I wouldn't like me if I met me
I feel like you wouldn't like me if you met me

Sunshine is days away
I won't be saved
I know all the words
I can't say that I'll love you forever
I won't say that I'll love you forever

6. Nelly Furtado - Manos al Aire [Spain]
/obligatory foreign language song

Note: I combined my own (limited) knowledge of Spanish with a couple of different translations I found online to come up with the translation I'm posting. If any Spanish speakers see any glaring problems or can contribute a better translation, let me know!

Tú, que pierdes el control,
Hablando en alta voz
Hieres mi corazón
Yo tratando de escuchar, no me puedo explicar
Qué extrañá sensación

Tú, no me quieres entender,
Y me mandas a callar, diciéndome
No me debo sorprender, porque así es
La realidad de nuestro amor y yo

No tengo armas para enfrentarte,
Pongo mis manos, manos al aire
Sólo me importa amarte
En cuerpo y alma, como era ayer


You, you lose your self control
Speaking in a loud voice
You hurt my heart
I try to hear you out, but I cannot explain
What a strange feeling

You don't want to understand me
You just order me to shut up, telling me
I shouldn't be so surprised, because this is
The reality of our love and I

I have no weapons to face you with
I put my hands, my hands in the air
All I care about is loving you
In body and soul, as it was yesterday

7. Jonah Matranga - I Can't Read Yr Mind [Spain]

I know those eyes
I know those eyes so well
I've seen 'em when you're saying come to me
I've seen 'em when you're saying go to hell
I've seen the way they fall when things don't go your way
And I wanna make it better but the words get hard to find
I've gotta remind myself
That I can't read your mind

And I know your smile
I've seen it when you pray
I've seen it when you're trying not to fall apart
I see it on your birthday
And when you're trying but you're tired
When I hurt when I'm trying to help
You know I really want to get it right
Be perfect every time
But no matter how hard I try
I can't read your mind

We've been through a lot
We've gone a lot of miles
And with a little luck we'll keep going for a long while
So for every aching night and every perfect day
When I ask if you love me, don't laugh or turn away
I love you all the time
But I can't read your mind

8. Feist - Secret Heart [Romano]

Secret heart, what are you made of
What are you so afraid of?
Could it be three simple words
Or the fear of being overheard
What's wrong?
Let him in on your secret heart

Secret heart, why so mysterious
Why so sacred, why so serious?
Maybe you're just acting tough
Or maybe you're just not man enough

Is there a secret that you're trying to conceal?
Is the very same one that you're dying to reveal?
Go tell him how you feel

9. The Bird and the Bee - Again and Again [Romano]

It's a shame, it's a shame
It's a perfect shame
Creep under my door and we do it again, oh oh
It's so easy and easy and easy and easy
And creepy and creepy and creepy and creepy, oh
Again, again, again, again

Say my name, say my name, say my stupid name
It's stupid how we always seem to do it again, oh oh
You're so stupid and perfect and stupid and perfect
I hate you, I want you
I hate you, I hate you,
I - oh, again, again, again

10. The Postal Service - Be Still My Heart [Spain]

I was running late for work
So I didn't change my shirt
The evening's drinks left a lingering taste in my mouth
And when I left you were fast asleep, tangled in the sheets
And on the bus I could've sworn it was all a dream
It didn't happen to me

And then I felt the scrapes from the slippery subway grate
Oh, how you laughed at my complete lack of grace
But I could not recall a more perfect fall
Because when I looked up into your eyes
It didn't hurt at all

And I thought, be still my heart
This could be a brand new start with you
And it will be clear if I wake up
And you're still here with me in the morning

11. Chairlift - Bruises [both]

I tried to do handstands for you
I tried to do headstands for you
Every time I fell on you, yeah every time I fell
I tried to do handstands for you
But every time I fell for you
I'm permanently black and blue
Permanently blue for you

I grabbed some frozen strawberries
So I could ice your bruising knees
But frozen things, they all unfreeze
And now I taste like
All those frozen strawberries
I used to chill your bruising knees
Hot July ain't good to me
I'm pink and black and blue

I got bruises on my knees for you
And grass stains on my knees for you
Got holes in my new jeans for you
Got pink and black and blue
For you
So black and blue for you

12. Passion Pit - Live to Tell the Tale [Romano]

This is the room where we always dreamed
Of grass and splendid evenings
Emitting frequencies, lost between the leaves and things
And I held on brightly, crushing quietly
Feeling mountains rising out of make-believe seas
Creating typhoons of feelings not easily made without need

The whole slew blossomed beautifully
And I was beside myself
So I gave into your love
As you rapturously commanded
And this is like I've always dreamed:
Cobblestone and dusty feet
That's the way it should always be
Head over heels and deftly
Wonderful and healthy

God bless that smile on your face
God bless the seeds in the ground
God bless my family's keen gaze
Oh, I know that whatever happens to you
Whatever happens to me
I hope that I'll fall asleep knowing that you'll always be
The story with no ending

I never thought you were here
You've never left me, have you
You've never left me at all, not once
And I'm sorry I'm such a bore
I'm sorry I am so hard
I swear to God I'll be good from now on

13. The Boy Least Likely To - Be Gentle With Me [Romano]

Staring up into the solar system
All the stars are fixed up into the sky
I just want to sparkle for a moment
Before I just fizzle out and die

So just be gentle with me
(I'm not as young as I was)
And I'll be gentle with you
(I'm not as brave as I thought)
'Cause my heart gets broken so easily
So just be gentle, be gentle with me

Lied awake, waiting like a target
Listening for things I cannot see
Insects flutter up against my window
I don't like the way they look at me

I guess I've always needed to be needed by someone
It's sickened but a feeling, being under someone's thumb

Bonus: Phoenix - Rome

Note: The reason this song is a bonus is that it's kind of depressing towards the end, and I thought the rest of the mix was mostly pretty upbeat. I've probably got enough angsty songs for the two of them that I decided not to include to create a whole separate FST (or at least an album of b-sides), but this one seemed to fit even in its...not fitting in. Yeah. Let's pretend I make sense.

Who's the boy you like the most?
Is he teasing you with underage?
Could he be waving from a tropical sunset?
Static silhouette somehow
Single in his bed someday
Quiet till it falls, falls, falls

Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Focus looking forward, the colosseum
Oh no, what did I say, what can I say
Rome, Rome, many tears have fallen here
I'll be driving, you look the other way

DOWNLOAD [soundtrack + full lyrics]

For future FSTs, check out (and/or watch!) cantautore. ♥

fandom, fst, music

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