hurp derp

Aug 21, 2010 23:46

shit is quiet today
beth is out at a makeup party, and I am enjoying the vacancy a little, but still bored out of mmy skull
did a commission earlier, and had fun with it, debating if I want to omve on to the next or not right now

a tad frustrated that my mom didn't pick up the phone when I called, I really want to get a trip to NJ
set up soon, and figure out how long I can stay there

also being a shit and getting irked at dumb thing on FA
art whores annoy the hell out of me sometimes I swear
if someone makes an offer and you don't qualify, for the love of god just let it go and give someone else a chance X_X
and on another note pet peeve,hermaphrodites have both sets of sex organs
male body+vagina=transex
it's stupid, but it bugs the fuck out of me
not only does it misinterpret intersex, but it also just kind of blows of transsexuals altogether
which is kind of sad in a way,possibly not given the lack of seriousness people bestow on it
eh anyhow
debating working more on the ahuizotl reff, and I've been mulling over the backstory of nephae and the ceranid species as a whole
and Hyrall, can't forget him
been mulling over my old idea a lot lately, maybe at some point i can scrape up egnough info to throw something worthwhile together
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