Jan 24, 2005 00:41
I warned you in the first post that I'll use this opportunity mostly for ranting about random crap. You have officially been put on notice =).
Just to inform anyone who may not know. A certain serious loser (who shall remain nameless...suffice it to say his first name contains a pair of N's) has been talking crap about me behind my back...starting the usual High School drama BS that almost everyone I know in high school has become infamous for (especially him.) This annoys me, especially since I worked very hard to finally get completely away from that kind of stupidity now that I have moved on from high school. Side Note: College > High School. However, that's not the part that gets to me too much, since the things he is saying are so ridiculous that the people he is telling will most likely laugh at him for me. For example, he is/was telling people that he's seen me naked. Let me tell you something: Unless he's spied on me or something similar to that, he has never seen me naked. This has never happened to my knowledge. The part that gets to me most is that I confronted him about it, and had him give me his word that everything I've been hearing about what he's been saying is untrue. I have, of course, found out since then that everything that he gave me his word that he didn't say, was actually said by him. That's the part that really gets to me. He claims to be a good friend of mine, yet his word apparently means nothing and he's going to go around making up things about me. In the past, when I was still a part of the high school drama crap, this would probably have turned into a whole big long thing with people talking about each other behind their backs, claiming to be friends, then getting into one huge fight and "never being friends again," "hating" each other, etc. etc. etc. Since I am in college and have no use for all of that nonsense, I am simply going to call him, tell him what I know, and give him one last chance to give me a very good explanation as to why he would lie through his teeth to me. If he is not able to do that (which I certainly don't expect that he will) I will just inform him that I have no use for friends who are that immature and that untrustworthy, and end the friendship right there. I do not agree with the statement that at least one person has made of only being friends who will be "beneficial to my future." However, I have no desire to be friends with people who will hold me back from getting to where I need to be. Should he mature at any time and wish to make amends for what he has done, I will certainly be open to that possibility. For right now, though, I believe this friendship will need to be ended. Not my ideal course of action, but given his behavior and general attitude, I believe that it would be the best way to handle this unpleasant situation.
If that wasn't an unnecessarily long paragraph, I don't know what was! I have to school today...eh. Worst part about college is how early I have to wake up. I have to take two different city buses and therefore have to wake up earlier than Ii would like, especially considering how late I fall asleep. I wish I could get to sleep before 1:30 - 2:00 AM, but my body won't let me, even if I just lie in bed starting at around 12:00 - 12:30 AM. Kinda sucks lol.
Overall, though, I'm fairly happy. The few good friends that I do have are very good to me, and I feel lucky to know some people as well as I do. I can't say I've led the greatest life in the world, but I can say that thanks to really pushing myself and having a couple of people who I've been able to lean on a my few times of need, my life is going pretty well. Now if only I could solve the problem of me being single...lol. Eh...another problem for another day. Wait, today's another day. Today's the day! Heh...no. What happens, happens. I'll see when the time comes, and I'll make sure to post it here for the massive amount of people who read this (one, two at the most.)
- DarkGlenn