"This country is finished."

Sep 30, 2008 09:19

So, yesterday the 700$ billion Wall Street bailout we've all heard about by now was turned down by the House of Representatives.

And even though the majority of the public is against it and the House members voted nay for it to keep their jobs, Bush is still lobbying for it.

The reason the public is against it, is because even though Bush is telling us it's the best thing, it doesn't help the average joe one bit. We're being told that this bailout will prevent further economic woes, which of course he can't exactly explain what those are...or doesn't whichever. The actual stockholders who would probably benefit are against it because even though the government is bailing them out, they still don't want their hands in the pockets, which is what would have happen. The government controls all free markets. Scary thought.. for the rich. Which is why they're really against it. Somone to hold them down. It's still a possibility though, this isn't the end of it I'm sure.

That's your answer, the so called leaders' of this world greatest idea is to throw money at it. Honestly, that's the best you can come up with? What I mean any kind of idiot can come up with "Let s give em a kjillion dollrs, derrrpp" Isn't that why we have appointed leaders so actual decision making can be done? I don't care what anyone says, every person living in this country could run the U.S. based on the logic these idiots show. Economy problems? Yea, I can fix it, lemme give everyone a billion dollars and raise taxes. There. Fixed.

Maybe it's not too late to run for president. I knew I was smart, but I always thought I wasn't smart enough to be that important. Looks like I can come up with the same ideas the people who are smarter than me can.
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