So, it turns out that both of the DVDs I burned, one as a back up on May 21, one as a complete archive of my work burned on Saturday to give to my boss's new student, are coasters. I still have the talk I wrote for her since it's in my email, as well as the pdf of my notes generated in
the LaTeX front end I've been using, which got emailed to the new student.
I had been planning to write a raving review about how well things are going in
Kubuntu Dapper, which I installed over the weekend to replace my rather flaky installation of
Fedora Core 5. Since the size of a
Master Boot Record only allows
GRUB (the software that lets you pick from various operating systems) to have four partitions, the old linux partition had to go. In theory, everything I needed off of it was backed up, right? Let's hit the list then.
Windows XP -- Clearly not optional
Backup partition created by the system restoration software a week and half ago when recovering from
malware -- optional, but hadn't gotten around to joining to XP partitions
Separate data partition -- not optional, must be separate from operating system partition to minimize hosage
logical volume - linux lives here where linux live.