and with the realease of Naruto Shippuden along with a lovely crack poll from
surelyyoujest in the DGure section....
My half my brain has done a mini implosion. The other half is face-faulting right now. and is the one typing this.
I can't believe that people were stuck talking about character's pants of all things. *remembers Tales of Symphonia Pants game*
... Good times, ladies and gentlemen, good times. XD But seriously, Emosuke pretzel pants loses horribly to Kanda and Kratos' skin-tight, buckled, (most likely) leather pants.
Because Yggy and Komui are kinky like that. ;D I'll see you all in the "bad fangirl" section of hell! o/
Meanwhile, Crowley, Regal and Lee (because Lee's pants just have to be mentioned eventually) just wins. Wins like woah.
... ... ... itsnotdirtynotatall... wewerejusttalkingabouteveryone'spantsisall...