May 08, 2007 22:37
After a stressful day with papers and what not it was great to go to my English (medieval Lit) "exam" and watch some very amusing reenactments of the York Mystery plays. For those of you that don't know, York Mystery Plays are a set of plays that act out stories from the bible with a comical twist. It was a fun, relaxed hour after spending several hours writing.
Following in Chalkey's Asian footsteps I'm going to post some quotes from earlier today.
Alyssa walks in after her 2:00 philosophy exam "I'm done! It feels sooo good to be done!"
Me: "I hate you"
Alyssa: "I'm going to go lay out and read my Cosmo because I'm done!"
Me: "I hate you"
Me: "I hope you burn" as Alyssa leaves the room
Alyssa: "It is sooo hot outside, oh my gosh!"
Me: "Did you get burnt?" (and I say this rather eagerly)
Alyssa: "No"
Me: "Did you get stung by a bee?" (with a evil glint in my eye)
Alyssa: "Nope"
Me: "Did an ant crawl up your shorts?"
Alyssa: *laughing* "Not that I know of"
Me: "Damn"
Alyssa: "How's that paper coming?"
Me: "I hate you."
After I return from my "final"
Alyssa: "How'd the paper go?"
Me: "Good, and I only have one to write for tomorrow, so I won't hate you as much for being done."
Alyssa: "Good, 'cause I wasn't feeling the love today. No room mate love. We've only got three more days together..."
Me: "We'll look back and remember these times fondly...Remember that time you were done with exams? And all I could say was "I hate you"?"
Alyssa: "It still hurts a little..."
Me: "Give it time..."
Tomorrow, One paper, studying with Chalkey, one exam. And tomorrow is Wednesday, which means it's Jamie's turn to post a blickle! (My weakly dose of the Brits :P )
Live, Laugh, Love,