I can officially die now...well not now, but after this summer of course. After a bit of a crappy day which included contacting my ex (ick) and then hours spent either reading or working on a paper that refuses to finish itself I've just heard the best news ever.
So, I've already ranted a bit on how awesome my summer is going to be, especially the last week of July. How could it possibly get better right? I mean, I get to see Whompy on the 20th, Joe, Paul, Brian and Brad on the 25th and 27th and Alex on the 30th. Best week ever, right? Well last night I found out that Matt will be joining HatP and DatM for four shows including the two Ohio ones. The "Squee" I let out confirmed to my room mate that I am insane. Then, today... I could die of sheer joy. While talking to a fan of the show (and fellow Ohioan) she told me to go over to
TLC because PotterCast had just announced some awesome news that I might find interesting. And to my surprise, Melissa announced that the PotterCast trio will be touring with HatP this summer!
So I check out the tour dates and immediately flip out when I see that they'll be at both Ohio shows! After much rejoicing (and scaring of the room mate) I contact Rory and tell her the good news. Then I e-mailed Melissa Anelli, and let her know that Rory told me to pass the message along that they are more than welcome to stay at her house. So, if everyone stays at her place it is gonna be totally jammed packed full of Wrockers, myself included!
So, here's the list of totally awesome people from the HP fandom that I'll get to meet this summer all because I started a little podcast to promote Wizard Rock. I've already met and talked to Joe, Paul, Brian and Bradley. Although I didn't get to meet Brian in person...yet... Plus I'll get to meet Matt (Whompy), Rosmerta's Rockers, The boys of Tom Riddle and Friends, Then I get to see Matt again with Joe, Paul, Brian and Brad, along with Melissa, John and Sue (yay Hufflepuff!), and at the end of the week, Alex Carpenter (whom I've talked to on the phone). Oh man am I excited!
Here's my summer:
June 7 -- Mugglenet book signing
June 21 -- Enter the Haggis concert in Cleveland
June 23-28(?) -- Ohio Scottish Arts School (Bagpipe Camp!)
July 13 -- Midnight showing of OotP
July 20 -- Wizarding Wilmington (The Whomping Willows, Rosmerta's Rockers, Tom Riddle and Friends, and Rory's band H.I.S.S.)
July 25 -- Whompy, DatM, HatP and PotterCast Trio in Cleveland (with Rory?)
July 27 -- Whompy, DatM, HatP and PotterCast Trio in Columbus (with cousin? meet Rory there? working on details)
July 30 -- The Remus Lupins at the Jackson township public library (right across the street from my effing (detested) old high school!) followed by a wrocking evening with Rory and Alex!
Of course I'll have to take that entire week off work, and eventually return to the real world. At least I know that if my English major can't get me a job that I'll have a place in the Wizard Rock world... Okay, that was a long enough distraction...back to the papers...
Live, Laugh, Love Wizard Rock!
Edit: 10:43 pm... It hit me while I was in the shower... I'm going to get to meet the PotterCast trio just days after Deathly Hallows is released. Who better to discuss the books with than Melissa Anelli, Sue Upton and John Noe themselves?!