Anual Year in Review: 2009

Dec 24, 2009 21:05

 It seems like I do this every year... Well, at least since I entered college. Here's where I post the first sentence or two from the first entry in each of the twelve months of 2009. Last year I posted this on New Year's day, but since I'll be spending New Years in Bethesda with the Ginger I want to post it now instead. For the full post, you can click on the date and it should take you to the entry.

January 1, 2009: "2008 Year In Review" I did this last year and just thought I'd do it again this year... Even if it is a little late... Here's what you do: take the first sentence or two from the first entry for each month of the year...

February 5, 2009: "Alarm Clocks. Again." Every fife minutes since 6 fucking 30 in the morning. What time did she finally drag herself out of bed? 8:30. Not cool.

March 12, 2009: "Pre-cruise whatnot" Today I got my hair done, trim, layers and highlights. Looks great by the way, I'm really happy with it. Afterwards mom and I went to visit grandma at the nursing home. [...] Then, with what little mind she has left, [grandma] spouted off some words of wisdom. "When you get to be my age you're lucky if you've got any mind left at all," then she sort of rambled off about minds and was rather incoherent.
April: No entry

May 3, 2009: "Here in the west we're livin in the best - Bonanza!" So I've been watching a lot of the old western television classic, Bonanza, lately--actually just wrote a 12 page paper on it--and there's a few things going through my head because of it. [A paper which I got a B+ on and it saved my grade in that class]

June 10, 2009: "Oh dear..." Yup, I like him more than I'm willing to admit. Knowing my luck this will probably end badly.

July 5, 2009: "Wow..." Hmm... I haven't updated in a while... And on that note I'm going to bed!

August 10, 2009: "Music Quiz Thingy!" My big sis Jenn posted this band thingy on Facebook and tagged me, so I thought I'd try it with a couple of bands...

September 23, 2009: "Today I..." I had a really interesting day at work. So I thought I'd update my poor neglected LiveJournal today!

October: No entry

November 16, 2009: "In which Ashley goes all emo and shit" I should have known being happy wasn't going to last. I don't know what I would have done had it not been for Mack and Tom lending their shoulders for me to cry on this past weekend.

December 9, 2009: "Crappy Weather and Rainbows!" So the weather today was rather crappy. It couldn't make up its mind whether the sun was gonna shine, or the clouds were going to shit ice and death. But for a brief moment, a full rainbow appeared over campus...

So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

Live, Laugh, Love,

year in review

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