(no subject)

Nov 18, 2009 02:53

Well it's that time of year again, or almost. I started hanging my Christmas lights (only one strand though, of the other two one is burnt out completely the other is half dead), and plan to make another trip to Discount Drug Mart for more doughnuts and more lights. Since my first-year at Wooster I've been posting a top ten things I'm thankful for list. It is meant to be humorous and shallow, and is not 100% serious. It usually excludes the usual things such as my family, HP family and friends because I love them and there's no escaping it. Posted in the cut are the lists from the last three years as a little reminder to you and myself.

First Year: 2006
1. Not having to share a bathroom with 30 other girls. (And getting to take a bath in a BATH TUB)
2. My mattress.
3. Missy.
4.Going Home.
5. Slow internet (meaning no internet).
6. About $150 (after taxes) in my checking account/Working in Jewelry at the Big K
7. Being with my Harry Potter books once more
8. Clean Laundry!
9. Knowing I can come back here at the end of the week
10. NON LOWRY FOOD!!!!!!

Sophomore Year: 2007
1. Not having to be grossed out by mystery hairs in the shower.
2. Sleeping in my own bed
3. That little portable heater set up in my room with a remote control!
4. Stealing Borrowing Mooching off of one of the neighbor's wi-fi
5. I don't have to work at Kmart (but I do have some papers to work on) This also gives me a chance to visit my Grandma in the nursing home..
6. Playing with the kitties!!!
7. Shh...listen...do you hear that? That's silence!!!
8. I can practice my pipes in peace...sorry kitties...
9. Crystal Ball is soooon! (which means I get to see Brian, Bradley and Matt again!)
10. Duck.

Junior Year: 2008
1. Clean underwear
2. My comfy bed in my messy room
3. Avoiding work at Kmart during Thanksgiving and Black Friday two years in a row.
4. Fuzzbutt. Even if she'll be a bit out of it after getting declawed...
5. Non Lowry food
6. Shite internet
7. Getting to see Twilight (finally)
8. Spending time with my mommy
9. Editing/finishing IS
10. Duck... I know I used this last year, but I'm hungry right now and Lowry food just doesn't do it for me anymore...

And now for the final Thanksgiving list of my college career.

Senior Year: 2009
1. Spending more than 24 hours at home. (Which I haven't done since spring break last semester)
2. Fuzzy. Even if she only likes me when I feed her, brush her or open my room so she can sit in my window.
3. Wi-fi. That's right. Non crappy or borrowed internet! AND Cable tv! (wait, a cat and cable? Is my father ill?)
4. Well, I am no longer employed by the big K.
5. Sleeping in. No work, no classes, no worries.
6. Possibly working on IS but not stressing if I don't
7. Toilet paper. Real, soft, 2-ply toilet paper. My ass will be in heaven!
8. Visiting Amy and Heather. 'nuff said.
9. Getting to see my other favorite redhead. And I don't mean Ron Weasley.
10. Duck... man do I love smoked duck. With a pre-teen and an 18 year-old boy in the house if Uncle Ed doesn't make at least two I predict there will be a problem...

There it is. The 2009 Top Ten Shallow Things I'm Thankful For!

Live, Laugh, Love,


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