An interesting observation...

Mar 26, 2008 00:50

I'd like to take the time to point something out here, and maybe get a few things off of my chest. I shall post a blog about New York and my Whomping Weekend later but there's just something I'd like to share.

I haven't been on AIM in a long time, and for good reason. Too many people have my personal sn, which, if you know me, isn't really that hard to figure out. But when people who know me solely from the Podcast of Awesome start contacting me on my personal sn it's not that I'm annoyed, but I like to keep that friend list clear of people I've never met. It's for people I know personally. My podcastofawesome one I don't really care, because the way I have it set up I can be offline, or away, or just pretend to not be there and get back to you at a later time. (Even though I usually feel guilty about doing that). I really only pull that kind of stuff if I'm on AIM to ask a friend about an assignment or for help with something. I have a rule, I don't message others unless they contact me first, or I have a question only they can answer.

But that's not the main point of my observation. Really that's just the angsty rant portion of this blog I suppose. I don't even know where that came from... My main inspiration for this little entry was AIM profiles. Like I stated above, I have not signed on in a long time, maybe three months or so, and so I decided to start at the top and work my way down looking at peoples profiles. Here's what I've observed:

Males generally leave their profiles blank. And if they don't, they'll put a simple quote in there, or a link to their myspace. Oh, and if they're the crude and vulgar type they'll have some foul language rap lyrics in their profile. But I won't rant about rap today. Here are some examples of the first (since none of the second are signed on at the moment...)

  • No Information Provided
  • at akron
  • No Information Provided
  • No Information Provided
Okay, not to great there. But that's okay, let's move on, shall we?

Ladies, now I'm a sucker for romance, and I pay strong attention to lyrics. But in my whopping two and a half relationships I've ever had, I never used a song to describe how I feel. I'm sure the song is really pretty, but out of context of the music it makes me want to gag and throw up the salad and pasta I had for dinner (again). Here's some examples of these monstrosities:

I will keep calling you to seeIf you're sleeping, are you dreaming
If you're dreaming, are you dreaming of me
I can't believe you actually picked me
There's something I can't quite explain
I'm so in love with you

Okay, not too bad, still...kind of creepy... And another thing, if you're gonna use a song lyric, at least give proper credit to the artist

Oh boy, it's true
I can never be away from you
It's like I gloss my lips with glue
Oh we kiss and I am stuck to you... <3

Are you serious? Maybe I've just been single for too long or something... Alright, go ahead, call me cold-hearted and a bitch. Whatever, I don't care. Romance is great in books and movies, but I was hurt so badly to believe that any of that stuff is for me. Or, maybe I just hold love in higher regards. Who knows, 'cause I sure as hell don't! Moving on, here's another one for you to gag over...

'Cause I'm not really me without you there
So maybe you could walk with me a while
And maybe I could rest beneath your smile
Everybody stumbles sometimes and needs a hand to hold
'Cause it's a long trip alone...

So that one comes from an away message and not a profile but, same difference people. If you can't be yourself without some guy by your side you need help. You know a relationship is good when you can "be yourself" around the person, not the other way around! Geesh, when did I become so bitter? Whatever, write it off to PMS or something. That's all I really have for examples, apparently at 1:30 in the morning not to many people are left signed on...

Now, I will admit, I have song lyrics in my profile. Two to be exact and neither of them are love songs. One comes from a wizard rock song the Department of Rock (or is it wrock?) wrote that mentions The Weasel King, Nefret and myself all in one verse. It makes me happy. The second is a part of an Enter the Haggis song that I've always felt a connection with, and it's not about love.

I enjoy reading amusing quotes, and feel I can get to know someone better if they have an interesting/funny quote or event in their profile. Quoting the latest emo song is not a good way to quickly reveal to someone who you are. And since I'm running out of steam, and really should get to bed.......This has been Ashley Rant number 09325805908293.  What up sleep?

Live, Laugh, Love,

rant, random

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