Somebody complimented my driving today. They left a note that said 'Parking Fine.'

Nov 18, 2006 17:35

1: Hey. Hey. What is this? Kubozuka Yosuke, Kitamura Kazuki, TEGOSHI YUYA, and did I mention Kubozuka Yosuke. WHY ISN'T THIS NEWS, FLIST. FAIL. *____*

2: Today my Yamapi image folder took thirty seconds to load. I saw it as a sign I needed to organize.

My skillz at sub-foldering are impressive and undefeatable, y/y.

3: honooko dared me to write Clint Eastwood/Nino yesterday, which I *did* attempt -- it involved Clint Eastwood stroking Nino's hair and telling him he was very pretty -- also I discovered I was unable to write "Clint" or "Eastwood" separately, it always had to be Clint Eastwood, the full title, not unlike Chuck Norris -- but akf;sksjk. It was not meant to be. I kept trying to get them drunk at the Iwo Jima wrap party but switch hitter jokes threatened to consume all.

For the record, though, the last lines were totally going to be:

Clint Eastwood smiles benevolently.

Nino opens his mouth very, very wide and starts serving God and country.

4: More people should fangirl A.B.C. with me. Just sayin'. Once you know them, you'll recognize them backdancing in EVERYTHING -- like, say, the shirtless acrobatic flying in Summary. ♥

That is all! *hits send before I think of more spammy things to add*

arashi replaced my brain with rainbows

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