Dear Diary

Sep 07, 2015 23:33

I am feeling a bit Blah today. I am not sure what it is, perhaps my expectations of people or maybe my hopes about them can be too high at times. A friend came back on Facebook after he had been missing for about a year. I shouted a big "You're Back!! :D " to him and got a "Yep" answer. I felt a bit sad that more wasn't said or maybe I should have said more, or whatever, but then I felt a little better the next morning when I noticed he he barely answered anyone back, so I at least got a 'yep' not sure feeling mixed emotions I guess on that one. Then I commented to another friend, at first I didn't think she'd 'like' or anything it was about half a day before she did, but she did, and the weird thing is she has become a better friend to me on Facebook in some weird way, then we ever were face-to-face.

So putting those to aside, because really no problems there, whatever made me feel 'blah' there is over. Another friend wanted information about a dress. I went out of my way asking and researching trying to help her. I have her crap loads of information on places to check to get said dress. I asked online in communities and gave her more information then anyone else answering her question. I even commented twice when I got new places for her to check. Did I get a 'like' or even a 'thanks for trying' nope, nothing. I makes me a little sad, because I am a rather shy person. It takes a lot for me to reach out to anyone, as it is easy to not by the amount of people that I am friended to here. (none).

I am just saying that if I bother to reach out, or anyone bothers to reach out and comment on someones Facebook page, even if you have nothing to say back, at least 'like' the comment to let someone know you acknowledge the other persons existence.

I made a dress before breakfast for myself today, and one for Ashley, that was cut down from one I made last night that was too tight in the um. breast, department, but fit her just fine there. Ugh, I wish my breasts were smaller, they get in the way of things. If I lose 30 pounds maybe I can lose my breasts as well.

I have started watching 'Lost' I never seen this show and thought it would be an interesting series, it's not too bad, even though I find the supernatural elements a bit silly. I am also watching a season of 'Once Upon A Time' It's the 'Frozen' season as I always just wait for it to come out on Netflix.

I guess that is all for tonight. I feel better being able to hash out the petty stuff that was gnawing at me today. I mean it seriously doesn't matter in the long run if people acknowledge me or not. Oh, right, that leads me to something Mother keeps saying, she says my friends only liked me for my money, and now that stuff has happened and I am having to struggle a bit more they all disappeared... I want to prove her wrong I do, I mention I see them on Facebook, but in reality, no one comes to see me, no one notices when I disappear for a few, no one checks up on me. I see those signs people post 'like if you would come to my funeral' or 'like if you would hug me' I would never post those, because I fear that no one would hug me, and that no one would come to my funeral.

sewing, netflix, facebook, mother, television

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