Dear Diary

Dec 18, 2015 16:21

I haven't been on Facebook in a few weeks but decided to go on it now. My friend Mat is on there and we got to talking about old times, geez I haven't seen him since Sacramento and it was some crazy times we went through. I miss him so much right now. We were never boyfriends or anything like that, just really good friends, even though he is bisexual. I just wish I could hug him right now. Not the internet kind of *hugs* but a real full hug whit a squeeze. He's got me all nostalgic and stuff so I guess I am feeling a bit maudlin right now. He's now married with kids and living far away, but I wish he could come visit sometimes.

I don't know why but most of my bisexual male friends got married to open minded women. They have kids now and families, but I am wondering if it's just that society pressured them all to do that of if they did it because marriage to the same gender wasn't available for so many of my bisexual male friends. I had a bisexual female friend I didn't even know she was THAT bisexual, but recently she married a woman. It is easier for women to marry women, does society expect less of them, and therefore its okay, but bisexual men need to marry women as well? Am I just rambling? probably.

I do know the majority of my gay male friends f-ed off into nowwheresville never to be seen from again as the they edged further away from their youth. Where do non-youthful gay males go? That is a question of the centuries. They don't go to the same bars, many of the bars closed, and when bars close people scatter. Bars are like meeting spots, for everyone. When favorite bars go, it is easy to lose contact with the friends that are made there.

I just watched this movie 'Xenia' and I did it because the gay boy was cute, but damn is he crazy in the movie, but still cute, and I think it was a good movie, if you don't mind reading subtitles that is. It's about two brothers and it's got that brother bonding thing in it as they get to care about each other. The movie is in Greek. The boys go on a journey to find their missing father, and one of the boys wants to be a singer and is going to this competition.

Okay, picture time, my mothers sister, one of them, put this picture up on Facebook, my moms the one with the scarf, It is of her and her cousins when they were younger, guess I am not the only one feeling nostalgic today. Anyways, old pictures are awesome.

Been talking to Matt steady while typing this, so it might be a little weird but what ifs right? ok, that's all for now chat at everyone later.

movies, netflix, life

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