Previous 20 Jul. 11th, 2007
Welcome to a new me...
new building of Wanzlmood: tired
Back at work, which in itself is not so bad, its more that the last 4 months seem like a distant dream that didn't really happen, you'd wonder really now going to the other side of the world can just dissapear into your memory...
Good news is that I'm alot more relaxed about life in general, I'm not hell bent on trying to plan everything and nothing, and If its not important it doesn't really bother me anymore, which means that i can leave work at 5.15 and not care if such and such didn't talk to me, or this bit of work was hard, or that order or whatever, and im now official an employee of Wanzl, so i;m an internal sales assistant, and i even get to look after service calls all by myself.And there is a temp whose working for operation who is techincally a lower being than me, so im not just the dogsbody, it makes me feel better...!
The trip was the most amazing thing ever, if you want to see pictures (including angelina jolie who we saw at the Oceans 13 premier) go to and have a ganders, im putting new photos up tonight!
The diary from it is to_see_life on livejournal so have a recky if you like!
Em is back in melton, which in itself is a little sad, so we're back to weeks apart and weekends together, and sunday was really hard, after we'd spent 4.5 months solidly together, the longest apart being 1.5 hours when me and casey headed to the co-op to get veggies for the roast that we made them! So i cried alot, and moped around, btu its ok now, at least ive got things to do in teh days and evenings to keep myself ocupied!
We're planning on moving to NZ in a couple of years for a year or two, see all teh bits we missd and maybe even do a MA over there, should be pretty easy seeing as i got a british degree.... so yay for plans for the future!
After the trip ive got itchy feet again, i want to se more of the world!
Back to work, message me so i know how everyone is!