Title: The Shadow of Your Smile (1/1)
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Characters/Pairings: OC's Mentions: Ianto Jones
Spoilers: Hints at Torchwood CoE 4&5
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all characters copyright BBC/BBC Wales/BBC America. All Rights Reserved. If they were mine...much better endings!
Summary: An alien rentboy finds an easy mark in an Earthman far from home.
The Shadow of Your Smile
He got out of the expensive looking machine with a smile on his face as he approached the others. When out of sight of his John, the alien shapeshifter changed his shape back to it's natural form. The sight of him as a human Welshman made his friends wretch in disgust.
"Claaaxtor! That's the fifth time this week!" Orrraks stared at his friend in amusement. "Really what is the point?"
Claaxtor counted his driachnaide and smiled. "Easiest money to make as a rentboy. I just turn into this creature called "Ianto" while he cries and mutters 'I'm sorry...I love you.'"