Jul 26, 2004 22:21
I have been sitting here changing things on my journal for the last hour or so while listening to music. I have also been enjoying the nice thunderstorms we have been getting tonight. I heard this song by this guy named Kevin Lyttle while I was suffering from insomnia a few weeks ago at 6 in the morning and ever since then I have LOVED that song. Also, the one by Mis-TEEQ from the new 'Cat Woman' movie. I am going insane. Haha.
My friend Sasha and I might go to the mall with Bill and his brother Jesse. I hope we can. God I need to get out and do something, and I need to see my baby. Boohoo....anyway.
Yesterday I slept all day. Well, not all day. First I got into an argument with Bill over the phone. Then after that I went to bed. It was around 3 30 or so. I didn't get up until a little after six. The thunderstorms woke me up. Plus my room at my mom's doesn't have air conditioning so I was burning up. I felt like I was trying to sleep in hell. I probably slept for a total of maybe an hour. If that much. But anyway. I ended up getting up out fo the bed to watch the Simpsons and Malcom in the Middle and play solitaire on the computer. That was my day yesterday.
Today I didn't do shit! My mom got sick though, so we had to go back home to my dad's. And here I sit. My dad went to a Ball game today, but I stayed here and talked on the phone, rode my bike, and walked around my neighborhood.
Well, my day sucked today. I'm really hoping that tomorrow goes well and I can get out of this house.
Time for wasting time before I sleep yet again!
One week until School starts up again! whoot....I'd rather shoot myself. haha. This is my last year though. I think I can deal.