The Cure For Bad Dreams (G)

Feb 11, 2010 12:53

I was quite bored last night before going to bed. This is what was born from that boredom.

Disclaimer I do not own Darken Rahl
Copyright Laila and the circumstances of this piece ARE however my creation. Do NOT use without my permission.
Rating G
Author Laurelindorenae

Large blue eyes suddenly broke open. Terrified, and bathed in the pale moonlight. There was little reason to ask why; as children are always easily frightened. Lightning flashed once more. Illuminating the room; falling over the many toys and books. Over the mass of pillows on the cool stone floor near the window. Yet, as she continued to look about, the child was still shivering. Still whimpering. Comfort, from her own sources at least, was eluding her. Even as the dream slowly faded, her little heart was racing. Racing and she couldn’t halt it or assuage the erratic beating thumping in her breast.

Finally the shaking beauty lifted the crimson velvet covers from her pale legs carefully swinging her feet over the side. Taking a deep breath (the bed was awfully high in her opinion), the young girl let herself slip over the side. Stopping once her flesh touched the cold marble. Lightning was still flashing; thunder still rolling in voluminous bellows as tiny feet padded their way towards the oak door. This door was always left slightly agape. Just an inch or two, never completely open. Both of them deserved their privacy. No, the heavy door was open only enough that should she need access to the other room, she could gain it. But, not without a little work.

Laila padded her way over. Lithe white fingers seeking for the very edge of the oak entry. The lightning flashed once more, and this time the toddler was grateful for it. It revealed the door to her, and allowed her just long enough to latch her hands onto it. Using all the strength she had to move it. Groaning and complaining the ancient barrier made way for the little girl. And she slipped in through the petite opening she had made for herself.

In the bed, mere feet from the door, lay her father. Asleep and resigned to the comfort of the grand bed for the night. Whimpering, the tiny princess made her way to his bedside. Peaking up over the top of his mattress and bundled up blankets. Only her blue eyes showing. Rather like an alligator, though, her expression was more than of a kicked puppy. Laila watched him a moment; Darken Rahl was oblivious to his daughter’s gaze as he slept on.

Laila however was determined. Her little heart still racing. She took hold of the soft, navy blue and silver, bedcovers. Pulling hard and scrambling. Kicking and motioning with her little feet until she was finally atop her father’s tall bed. The dark haired man stirred; twitching his nose slightly in his sleep as he shifted his pose under the covers. The very top hem of his black velvet leggings revealed by the repositioned bedclothes. Laila moved onto her hands and knees, crawling towards him. When he shifted yet again, she laid down, curling up as close as she could. Her body in foetal position, with one hand upon his warm left breast, as her cheek lay against the fleshy place between his breast and his shoulder. She was shaking like a leaf, most likely having never ceased.

Rahl awoke nearly instantly, the moment that her cheek laid against his flesh. He had never heard the heavy doors which accessed the King’s Chambers from the hall move, and therefore was not so entirely uneasy that he would pull a blade. But, he blinked a few times clearing his vision before he turned his own azure eyes towards the trembling bundle in his arms. His voice was partially hoarse with sleep, but he spoke. The gruffness slowly smoothing out into his velvety tone. “Mmmm… Laila… what’s the matter?”

The little girl murmured, her answer muffled by his chest. Yet he could just barely understand her. “Bad dweam…”

“Aw--” But he paused in his answer, glancing towards the window. He soon noticed the rain pelting outside at the panes. Knowing her fear was not just the dream. It couldn’t be the only thing that was plaguing and upsetting her. Two years earlier her mother, his wife, had been killed during a storm. Since then, the child was traumatized. She hated rain, yet alone summer lightning and thunder. She hated and feared it so intensely that no matter if he was King (and an evil one at that) or not, she would not let her father leave the palace during any storm. Most of the time he wasn’t allowed to leave her. Not even for a few moments. He had to sigh. Without a secondary thought he wrapped his arms around her all the more firmly. Pulling his quivering little bundle closer. He brushed her dark hair auburn hair back with careful and tender fingers before he kissed her forehead and down her podgy little cheek softly. Holding her closer as he hummed a, albeit slightly off key, melody close to her ear.

Laila slowly stopped wavering. The sound of her father’s voice coming from deep within his throat, and the sound of his beating heart keeping pace, leisurely calmed her. Putting the princess into a state of lull. Finally falling to sleep once more. Guarded and safe from all manners of frightful creatures and nightmares by her father’s puissant arms.

After she lay still for many long moments, Darken Rahl cast his eyes down to the child. A slight smile gracing his cupid’s bow lips. “Goodnight, Little One,” he whispered before kissing her brow for a extended moment. He picked up the covers of the bed and laid them over himself and his daughter once more. Settling down against the many pillows, keeping his arms firmly wrapped around the child. Resting his cheek against her crown, as she kept her face tucked under his jaw. Tiny arms wrapping around his neck as the King fell back to sleep.

darken rahl, legend of the seeker, fanfiction

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