The pages are ruffled [01]

Jul 11, 2009 21:41

Greg hasn't gone home yet.

He's still here in the library long after they've locked up and escorted the general public out, still scouring the books. None of them -- NONE OF THEM -- told the same event the same way twice. And it's not even within the standard deviation allowed history books -- one book, there is a terrible war at the exact same time, year and place another book lists a historic peace accord. Two books list an infamous political scandal with a twenty year difference between the dates.

His head is beginning to hurt. If it had just been him, he'd have just figured it was a sign whatever it was that was making him hear the voices was getting worse, and that he needed a stronger prescription, but Shiori had seen it too. What was going on here? There should be at least SOME lining up of events, but --

The clocks chime.

Greg screams as the entire world suddenly seems to spin and realign. Oh God, this was it, he was finally going completely crazy --

And then, it's over. Everything calms down except Greg's heart.

He looks down at the book. The text... it's changed.

One flip, and it's obvious. The history is as he remembers learning it in school again. And looking through another book, it's also become accurate. And come to think of it, they're all in the right section now.

He chuckles nervously. Ah. Ah, of course. Of course. This is how it's supposed to be, right? Everything in its place. Speaking of which, he begins putting the books back on the shelf. Yes, that's right. Nothing to see here.

He catches himself in the mirror on one of the shelves. He looks horrible. I really need a vacation. Or an institutionalization, he thinks to himself. He's DEFINITELY going to take a pill before he leaves.

And in the back of his mind, a question niggles that he tries to ignore. ...was there ALWAYS a mirror there?

crownofdis, ghostshield, !01, lily_schlaflied

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