The sidings project is still not done. Several windows need to have their frames replaced and one wall is less than half done. There're gutters to replace and other touch up jobs. Not to mention the clean up this Spring of the yard. It'll be nice to lose that dumpster back by the garage too. Sigh..
A fine day selling books.
aldebaran8423 and I had a fine old time of it. For a January weekend, it was pretty steady business. Not enough to make up for the bad month we just had, but it could have been a lot slower today. We got a lot done and had a good time. My knee started going out the last hour though. It's been very bad this week. Old repetitive motion injury from my days in the photo industry. Glad those days are over. We have been having a problem with shoplifting. Don't shoplift. Not cool. It's a problem in all bookstores, but it's especially hard on the bottom line for independents.
I finally finished
jimhines's book, Goblin Quest this week. It was a hoot. Jig's a great character and it was fun seeing his reaction to the things that happened on his first adventure. Being a Goblin, he had a very limited understanding of heroes, adventurers, elves and the rest of the world. I enjoyed watching him try to fathom the complexities of his world. Like many of us, he thought he knew the world around him, but it turns out he knew very little. I have to admit I enjoyed having a main character with hair loss and poor eyesight. Pick up a copy and find out for yourself what a fun world Jim has created.
I'm really enjoying Julie E. Czerneda's Surivival: Species Imperative #1. I think I've found a writer I enjoy as much as C.J.Cherryh. I'll be working on this series for a while. I also have about two dozen graphic novels to get through this week. Lots of Nightwing, JLA, Batman, and Noble Causes. I also saw the new Robin Hobb book is out. I need to get to the last Tad`Williams book yet too.
A rare free day tomorrow. I'm thinking a movie and lots of reading. I wanna ride my bike. Stupid Winter! Stupid knee!