Jun 18, 2009 15:16
Yep, I'm still here. Doing my damndest not to lose touch with what is going on in your lives lol.
So I'm still in Dallas. It's a fun city, but nothing I haven't already seen at this point in my nonstop moving adventure. It's going to be time to start looking for a house again in a few months...ugh..thats a bit of a chore, but it certainly beats living in an apartment or town house.
Work with Life Time is going great as always, and Erin got a promotion and is now running her own spa which is absolutely awesome. I think with her promotion that is probably going to put an end to our moving to a different major city every few months. It's simply going to be too hard for the company to find a city to move us to with two management positions open. I guess that means it's a good thing I like Dallas lol. Other than that, I'm still seriously boring. Partially my fault, partially the fault of the city. Damn club nights on Sunday and Thursday...what gives there?
The free time I have away from work is almost all getting spent in the gym, countless hours rehabbing my damn knee trying to get it to a point where competitive/contact sports are a possibility again. It's a good thing though, I'm running 4-5 miles 5 or 6 days a week like clockwork, back lifting again just about every night too. However goddamn would I love to be back on the mat again. My knee just won't take it at this point though. Hell, most days its a pain in the ass to get down a set of stairs (up is the easy part), and I blow through a metric ton of topical analgesic meds every week to dull joint and tendon pain due to the total lack of padding and lack of part of a tendon in my knee. The doctors ended up having to remove so much damaged tissue I'm really starting to wonder if I'll ever get back to training 5 times a week again...but baby steps I guess. I'd rather do it this way than rush back into things, ruin something else in my knee and be thinking about that god awful idea of a knee replacement at a very young age again (that was the warning I got from the doc about taking it easy post surgery). The shitty thing is replacements only last about 15 years...meaning if I fuck up I'll be getting a new knee every so often up until I kick the bucket. Heres keeping my fingers crossed that medical science figures out a way to regrow and implant all the shit my leg is missing lol.
It certainly is a motherfucker trying to placate a mile wide competitive streak with pull ups and trying to beat my best 4 mile time though. The plus side of things I guess is I've gotten into killer shape. Probably the best shape of my life at this point, which wasn't easy considering I was in goddamn great shape when we moved to Houston the first time. The only gripe about that is, damn do new suits and tailoring costs add up quick lol.
I'm working on getting things together for a trip home at the end of this month/beginning of next, but I'm not 100% sure things will work out.