Hey Moon, Please Forget To Fall Down.

Aug 05, 2009 10:59

Title: Hey Moon, Please Forget To Fall Down.
Author: darkbluerain
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Zack/Alex, Zack/William Beckett
POV: Third
Summary: He'd never have to go through it...never again.
Disclaimer: Never happened. The members of ATL belong to themselves. Title belongs to PATD.
Author Notes: Zack seems to be quite the victim lately, and I thought I'd dip my toes in that pool before it blows up like hooker!Alex. Also, I've always wanted to write an explanation for why Zack cut his super long hair and why he went from scrawny to super buff. And I've always wanted to make Becks an evil fucker in at least one story.

Tiny beads of sweat dotting his forehead and face, breath coming in tiny puffs, Zack Merrick counts to himself mentally as he lifts the twenty five pound weight in his right hand.
Thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight...
It's about ten thirty PM. The other occupants of the bus (sans the driver) have all fallen asleep. Zack always waits until everyone else has fallen asleep to work out. The feeling of the bus rolling steadily along and the light of the moon and stars pouring in from the window helps to calm his nerves a bit. It's better this way. Just him, and his thoughts...
Zack's eyes remain glued to his Converse as he walks his all too familiar path home from school. He'd politely declined to ride home with Alex, preferring to kick rocks down the sidewalk and feel the sun on his skin. His long hair, which normally would have been blowing around his face, is tied back in a low ponytail. He would have happily accepted the ride from Alex, but today he felt as though he needed time alone with his thoughts.
Once again, he'd noticed Jack being slammed up against the wall and ridiculed for his sexuality. Jack, being all witty one liners and cool attitude, merely spat a few lines at his assailants and walked away relatively unscathed. Still, Zack wished he could do something for his friend. He was just as scrawny, and had no way to properly defend himself, let alone Jack.
"Hey there little pretty."
Zack turns; the voice belongs to a boy, one he recognizes as someone who had graduated a few years ahead of him. He attempts to keep his head down and continue walking, but feels the older boy grab his arm and turn him around, sandwiching him between the boy's chest and the wall of the nearest building. Zack closes his eyes, biting his lip and praying for someone to see what was happening.
"F-fuck off."
"Pretty face and a pretty voice. I like that."
The boy runs his fingers through Zack's hair, pulling it loose of the ponytail, allowing it to fan out over Zack's shoulders. Just as spindly fingers begin toying with the hem of Zack's shirt, a loud car horn beeps behind them. Zack's saviour turns out to be none other than Alex. The brunette has his window rolled down with one arm dangling carelessly out.
"Zack! Hey, I've been looking for you, man. Come on."
As Zack slips away, he chances one glance back over his shoulder. The boy is now leaning against the wall, stretching Zack's hair band between his fingers.
"A souvenir until next time?"
Alex steps on the gas as soon as Zack is safely inside the car, exhaling loudly once they're out of sight. "You okay, kid? Bill's one sick fuck, you'd better stay as far away as you can."
Zack digs the heels of his palms into his eyes, trying to somehow rub the sight of that tall boy out. He hadn't been much bigger than him! And yet he'd easily overpowered him. How?
"Yeah. I'm okay."
Zack sets the set of weights in his hands down, exhales, and lays back on the couch. As he watches the moonlit scenery pass by through the window, his fingers absentmindedly run over his abdomen.
Zack's eyes dart over to the doorway. Alex is standing there, hair a mess, clad in nothing but flannel pajama bottoms.
"What are you doing up, Alex?"
"Couldn't sleep," he pushes a strand of hair behind his ear, "You, uh, gonna be okay?"
Turning his attention back to the countryside visible out of the window, Zack nods slowly, almost sleepily.
"Yeah. Go on back to bed."
Zack was scared. No. Fucking terrified to be walking anywhere at night. Alex had assured him that he'd be okay, and had even made him save an emergency text on his phone in case he should need to get ahold of his friend quickly and didn't have time to type one out. Ever since William had first ganged up on him, the older man had shown up at random places in Zack's daily life, if only for a moment. He was tormenting the young teen, and it was truly starting to get to Zack. Speeding up his pace, he sets eyes upon a spot where, two days earlier, he'd spied William sitting in his car, watching as he skateboarded along the sidewalk. And, adding to his already off-the-charts fear, that same car was sitting there now.
Swallowing hard, Zack takes two steps back and turns around to make a run for it, only to run face first into an all too familiar skinny chest.
Before the poor teen can even make a sound William has his hand over Zack's mouth and his arm around Zack's waist, pinning Zack's arms to his sides. William is much stronger than he appears, and soon has his prey dragged over to the car and is shoving Zack in the backseat; all Zack can do is flail helplessly and scream into William's hand. Despite the fact he knows it's pitch black outside and nobody is going to see what's happening, he continues fighting and scratching at William's face, screaming as loud as his lungs will let him. A swift punch to the jaw silences him. William smiles down at him, face dripping tiny drops of blood from where Zack's nails have scratched him, and grabs a hold of his wrists, pinning them above his head with one hand while the other unbuttons Zack's jeans and slides them down his hips. Finally accepting the fact of what's about to happen to him, all Zack can think to do is cry. Silent tears pour down his face when William finally gets both their jeans off and begins pulling his boxers off, stopping at his knees.
Zack bites back his tears for a second to see what's made William halt his actions. He reaches up and runs his fingers through Zack's hair, twirling a few strands around his fingers before thrusting roughly into his victim's body.
Zack can't help but cry out at the feeling of being violated in such a way. William moans unashamedly and places a kiss at the base of Zack's throat.
"You've got a nice, tight body. Virgin?"
While William thrusts repeatedly into his body, all Zack can think about is how close his phone is, how close that text in his Saved Drafts folder is, just waiting to be sent so that Alex can come and save him. If he could only hit Send, then in no time he'd be seeing Alex's loving face and William being shoved up against a wall, handcuffed and lead away by police. But instead all he sees is the peeling interior of William's car and the scratched and bleeding face of the man on top of him.
The last thing Alex expects to hear at three in the morning is pounding on his door, or to wake up on his couch for that matter. When he tumbles off it onto the floor he remembers that Zack was supposed to arrive at his house at nine-thirty, five and a half hours ago. He scrambles to his feet and throws open the door.
"Zack, are you..."
He's left speechless as his eyes sweep over his friend. There are large bruises on both of Zack's wrists. His jeans are hanging loosely, obviously missing their belt. Tears are still pouring down his face, and his whole figure is shaking.
No words need to be spoken. Alex removes his hoodie, wrapping it around Zack's shoulders and bringing him inside.
Standing in Alex's bathroom, Zack looks back at his reflection with red rimmed eyes. He picks up a length of his hair, disgusted at the thought of William running his fingers through it so adoringly. Without a second thought he grabs the scissors lying on the sink and snips a piece off, hacking away at his hair until it only reaches mid-ear length. Tossing the scissors aside, he walks into Alex's room. The aforementioned boy has passed out on his bed, leaving a space next to him for Zack to lay. He boots up Alex's computer, typing 'workout routines' into a search engine as soon as the internet loads.
Zack's hand moves to his hair, running his fingers through it, remembering that night in Alex's bathroom, how when Alex had woken up and seen what he'd done, the older boy had held him and let Zack cry into his chest. Alex had always been there for him, especially after that terrible night. Even when it had affected their then relatively new relationship.
Slowly, gently Alex slips his fingers under Zack's shirt, caressing his boyfriend's abs, then easing the shirt over his head. Zack presses his lips to Alex's, melting into Alex's touch, wanting nothing more than for things to go smoothly. He knows Alex is different than Willliam, that Alex would never ever harm him.
But when Alex's hand moves to pull down his zipper, it happens. The memories of that night flash in his mind and he pulls away, grabbing Alex's wrist.
"Alex, I c-can't. I-I'm sorry..."
Alex places a chaste kiss on his forehead, wiping away the tears that had begun falling from Zack's shining eyes with his thumbs. "Sssh. I know, I know. It's okay."
Alex wraps his arms around Zack, pulling him into his chest and stroking his back. "I understand, babe. We'll wait until you're ready. It'll all be fine someday, I promise."
A lonely sounding sigh escapes Zack's lips. He's tired, way too tired. He could go join Alex in his bunk, bury his nose in that sweet smelling brunette hair and drift off to sleep.
Shaking his head, Zack sits back up and reaches once again for the weights on the floor.
Never again...

pairing: zalex

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