Sick at home on St. Pattie's Day. Too tummy-achy-sick to sleep, making a few attempts to do productive things. Tried downloading WOW last night for a couple of hours. Now, when it would be great to be distracted from my rolling tummy, they're down for maintenance all day.
I have nervous energy because at work and at Hersh's house I constantly feel like I should be doing something productive but I'm never quite sure what it should be.
I cant wait till I'm all settled and not constantly feeling like I'm 'on'.
91% Dennis Kucinich 90% Mike Gravel 83% Chris Dodd 83% Barack Obama 82% John Edwards 80% Bill Richardson 79% Joe Biden 79% Hillary Clinton 37% Rudy Giuliani 26% John McCain 25% Ron Paul 20% Mike Huckabee 19% Mitt Romney 16% Tom Tancredo 11% Fred Thompson