Jan 20, 2009 19:05
So I see you are here
I see you can move
Why not move,why not speak?
I know you can.
Is it that hard?
Do you hurt that much?
The tears.
For what?
Do you know what hurt is?
It's not that hard let me explain ,please.
Kill yourself right now.
It will explain life also.
Everything so fast.
Everything so fast for nothing in the end.
Is that what you want?
Do it, you know you want to.
Does it bother you that much?
Everything will be ok.
But hey!
Who am I?
I am but a human.
A mirror image of what was created.
Created to understand life.
The way it works.
The way it ends.
I have but one choice.
One choice to take it or leave it.
Deal or stop.
All the people.
Everything that ever existed or will.
Will never get it.
We are consumed.
Consumed by the people who have made us.
Made us what we are.
You don't get it?
Let me explain, please.
We are not ourselves.
We are what they want us to be.
We follow there belief.
We listen to them.
We have no choice.
We have nothing.
We have no control.
We know what is good and bad.
We know what is right and wrong.
We know it becasue they teach us.
They teach us themselves.
Because they are affraid.
Afraid of what we will become.
Afraid of change.
Afraid of difference.
We have nothing.
There will never be true peace
But yet again.
Who am I?
Someone with an opinion.
With a belief.
Just another person in the world.
One out of a billion.
A billion people who have tried.
A billion people have failed.
A billion who will die.
Die for how they feel.
The world.
A country.
A family.
A single person.
Sometimes for nothing.
It's sad
What humanity has become.
The greatest thing said.
When your sad or someone else is.
"Everything will be ok"
Answer that.....
You can't.
And if you do it will be an opinion.
A thing half or non will believe
Live for yourself.
Your happyness
If anyway possible.
Live for love
For freedom
With peace
Will never be ok
But who am I?
Just another person