Yesterday and today

Jan 15, 2009 20:58

So yesterday and today
Have to have been the two greatest days of my life so far.

Yesterday I got up at 5:30 and pretended like i was going to school (I didn't =p)
I stayed up and did nothing for about bleh bleh bleh hours
And then Lauren got on while I was in the shower. So i waited. She got on then we talked and then she came to get me.
I got in the car and I seen yet again the beautiful smile on a gorgeous face that i would see for the rest of the time i was with her <3. We went to her house and was like *WHYYA* =P. No but serious haha we watched a movie by Steven King (BTW has to be the dumbest shit i have yet to ever seen) and the only reason I was able to sit through it is because I was to busy paying attention to lauren<3. Then we watched "Constantine" (I love that movie) she sat really close to me and we acually held hands which was the first =P. I loved it as much as everything else she does. I was really happy like the happiest I've been sense I can't remember. We were done with the movie so I showed her the picture I drawn her. I take it she liked it XD.

We went upstairs so she could show me the rest of the art she had from her AP classand stuff. We sat there and I stared at her and she stared back. Shes so cute I cant take it without like a smile shes so adorable =P shes amazing. Soon after her mom came home so we went downstairs and talked to her mom fer a little .*Fun*. So after she left we chilled then we were like " OH OH OH LETS FIRE CUP". But with no "OH OH OH ". So we did well at least we tried. Hmm so we did it was fun and funny haha we kept spilling the karosine and stuff. We couldnt get it right I don't know =P. But i know my lighter helped alot=p. Shes so cute haha she was having issues with learning but I loved it ugh I was soo happy..(Hmm i wish i hadn't have left.......ever =*( ). So basically we just ended up with a lot of blood and karosine and happy faces =P. Which is perfectly fine with me.

Later on we went upstairs and looked up "funny pick up lines". And I almost died laughing at them.(literally). I was laughing so hard =P. Lauren was online and I was nom nomming her arm =p. W3 W4Z L00K1N ^ FUNNY V1D305. We eventually went down stairs and while she was making chicken nuggets I went and layed down on the couch. She came in and put a coat over my head =p <3. She got up for the chicken nuggets and then I still layed there so she came in and layed next to me and I was like "omg XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD times a trillion". So I layed there and she layed there and we layed there and I was like " omg =DDDDDDD times infinity".And I found her stomache <3333333. And so we watched the rest of the movie and i was mocking it like while i was awake cause i had seen it 56456048 time before =P. I fell asleep and then she fell asleep when "The hills have eyes" came on. And then i woke up and had to pee but I was like "No i want to be here now <3". But i really had to go so I did. I kissed her forhead and got up. I came back and she had tookin where I had been laying so I didn't want to bother her. I layed on the floor  and didn't bother to wake her up. So "The Jumper" came back on AGAIN!. And I layed there untill She got up. We watched the first part because we had missed it before.

We went back upstairs and we layed on her bed where We stared at each other and i kept laughing cause I couldnt believe I was acually with her. I mean I never would have thought someone so beautiful so precious would even see me. Then she got up and went and changed into her PJ's. We layed there and she took of her glasses and she turned off the lights. We layed there I looked into her eyes and wanted to kiss her but i was compelled =| I  don't know why ......But we layed there and I stayed up as long as i could till I er we fell asleep. Well we woke up the next morning well I did first. And I just stared at her for I dont remember how long =p. She woke up and we just layed there. She went back to sleep and i got up went down stairs to pee and stuff =P came but up spilt some water haha my b. I put her name on my arm <33333333. Hmm she woke up and i was like yum. Don't ask why I was like yum I just was. So we were sitting there and looking at each other hmm <33. Talked and stuff then she got dressed and stuf cause she has school and so she got dressed and her mom called and she fibbed =P. She took me home and stuff. Just a normal ride for a person who doesnt think Lauren is the most amazing person they have ever met. We got to my house and we kissed........we kissed....I felt like I could never die. I felt as if I would never be sad ever again.

It was the most amazing time Ive had. I loved it. I think I love her. I dont know how she feels.
Hmm I don't know how she felt for the night but I felt Like the happiest person in the world <333
Well I'm done with tis for tonight
Ill miss every second I'm not with her
( lycan<3 more then you know)
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