So Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2009 brings great things. Especially health and wealth. Everyone I know has been ill this Christmas. I don't know a single person who hasn't had the flu, a cold, or some hideous vomiting bug. Let's hope that the new year brings cleaner air for all.
And also money. Lots of it. The global credit-crunch is making things hard for everyone and it depresses the hell out of me. I don't want to watch the news for fear of the next lot of doom & gloom that I'll be bombarded with. I'm happy in my bubble thank you very much. So fingers crossed that the 2009 brings a nice, new job for
fmd (preferably one that doesn't involve him driving 120 miles every day and leaves him permanently tired and grumpy) and a nice new job for me that leaves me feeling useful, appreciated and snot-free.
I don't generally hold with resolutions as I think that if you want to do something, why the hell bother to wait until January (the worst month of the year) to start it? But this year I have a few little things that I want to achieve, so I thought I'd write them down.
1. Go back on my healthy eating regime - this means ditching takeaway food, sweets, biscuits, crisps and general crappy stuff and I must DEF stop nibbling at work when I'm bored. It might also mean not drinking alcohol for a while, but hopefully that won't be too big of a deal. After the Great Wine Overdose in the summer I kind of lost the urge anyway..... probably a good thing.
2. Lose lots of weight and become an uber-sexy goddess - ok that may be a little difficult but as resolution 1 kind of aids and abets, I should be onto a winner at least partly. I need to step it up at the gym and make sure I go regularly and actually, ya know, do the proper workout instead of hanging around chatting with my friends and skiving. Maybe I should try 4 times a week and see if that kick starts my weight loss. If I can lose 2 stone by next Christmas I'll be extremely happy.
3. Should 1 and 2 fail, buy Gok Wan's book on how to dress properly and hide all unsightly lumps and bumps under amazing clothes. Woohoo!
4. Look for and secure super high-paying job, with a company who really want me and my skill set. Failing that, re-train completely and branch out into something totally new. Maybe web design or something interwebby. It can't be THAT difficult surely and I'm pretty nifty with the computer.
5. Read more books. I have piles and piles of books I want to read but they end up buried under all the NEW books I buy. I really need more hours in the day but I don't think that's going to happen.
6. Get more early nights. I know I should go to bed probably at 9.00 pm to feel fully rested and glorious in the morning, but seriously? I'm wide awake at that time and don't feel sleepy. it's not til the morning when I'm yawning and thinkng 'mmmmm yes an early night DOES sound good'. Anyway, we'll see about this one.
7. Spend less time titting around on the interwebs. Ok. So that is a BIG ask.... and highly unlikely to happen, but hey, it's worth a try right?
8. Do not shout at the Evil Duo as much. I am a bad parent. I know it. But they drive me absolutely INSANE sometimes and rather than become violent, I shout and evict them from the house. I know they are behaving badly because they want attention, but seriously, I cannot carry you around with me 24 hrs a day. Maybe I should get one of these? And I know they are stupid enough to use it!
9. Sort out my ITUNES library and only keep stuff I actually like and listen to. No longer will I have things because I think I SHOULD like them. Time to be ruthless.
10. Ummm I don't really have a 10th but I don't like the number 9 and wanted to round things off. So there.
Anyway, happy Mondays LJ world.... I hope the rest of the week is as positive as this one.