continuation of previous entry

Jan 11, 2006 12:30

well i know everyone has shit of thier own to take care of and might not have time for me but i really dont care spare me the im sorry you feel this way bullshit and say something truthful for once any way school started today and im really pissed off i walk out of class and my man and this girl are sitting mad close to each and i got pissed and he knows it and doesnt care so fuck him i really dont give a f u c k he doesnt know why im mad at and i really dont care i love him but sometimes i wish we werent together but i think its normal to feel this way sometimes he doesnt seem to care about my feelings so why should i care about his im really ready to leave him right now but i cant do that cuz ill be depressed cuz i love him i got a new job now which is good but i really feel like sometimes he wishes we werent together so he fuck any bitch he wants to not like being withme has ever stopped him cheating bastard omfg iim really pissed off at him right now and has the odassity to get pissed at me fuck him!!!!
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