Jan 06, 2006 16:24
people tend to believe im cynical hypocritical and an all around bitch well im not im curious and i believe what i believe and i say what i want to say when i want to say it. im sick and tired of sparing those who believe this to be true so fuck them for those people who enjoyed toying with my emotions and making believe they were my friends or they actually cared and fucked me over in the end or just cut off all contact cuz my presence wasnt good enough i know that few to many people i hung out with in high school had alot of shit to say about me when i wasnt around some were faithful to thier friendship with me and were great and i thank those of you who were and you know who you are.
im tired of my life revolving around everybody else and im going to think of myself for once im an understanding person and a great listener anyways i got some stuff to take care of