Nov 01, 2008 08:50
I had this totally bizarro dream last night where it was down to the wire in the election, and the Republicans decided to really grill Obama's running mate on various aspects of the vice presidency, in an attempt to prove that Obama's choice in running mates was just as unqualified for the job as everyone was claiming Sarah Palin is. Turns out in my dream that his running mate was not Joe Biden but in fact Susan Lucci (better known as All My Children's Erica Kane). Her qualifications came into question after how close she came to getting voted off Dancing with the Stars last week. Unable to deal with the barrage of questioning and verbal brow beating from the so-called unbiased interview panel (made up of thoroughly biased Republicans) Lucci admitted that she had no qualifications that make her eligible for the vice presidency, and thus she was pulling out of the race. Because of this, somehow Obama's candidacy was negated and his bid for the presidency was ended, making John McCain the only major party candidate on the ballot. Speculations abounded about whether or not Obama's sudden ineligibility would cause people who would've otherwise voted for him and cannot bring themselves to vote for McCain to vote for various third party candidates, thus changing the face of American politics and election history. And at the very end of my dream, as I'm pushing a cart around the Super Walmart in Granby listening, apparently, on a little radio in the cart, I think, "But I thought Joe Biden was his running mate?"
Yes, very weird dream.