Oct 30, 2008 17:27
So I've been doing this big election unit all this month. My kids have brought in articles for our bulletin board, we looked at a couple websites, talked about how an election happens, why we should vote, and about the candidates (to the extent that second graders need to talk about them). Today is National Mock Election Day, and we held a secret ballot vote for president this afternoon. The winner?
It was a narrow margin, but Barack Obama won 10 votes to 8. I had one student who didn't vote (he was in the office all afternoon for writing the "F" word repeatedly in his writer's notebook) and I had a quick mini-lesson conversation about what an absentee ballot is and how I could've had him fill out a ballot at the office and add it to our class total later on. But I didn't think of it until right at the moment I was explaining absentee ballots.
Next week we're going to track the polls during the day and on Wednesday compare our class results to the national results. It'll be interesting to see if my students' votes predict the outcome of the national election.
Supposedly sales of Obama Halloween masks far exceed McCain masks, and BuyCostumes.com supposedly has been able to predict the outcome of the Presidential election based on sales of candidate masks. So that'll be interesting to find out as well.