
Nov 24, 2006 19:55

The past couple days have been super busy. Having to work on Wednesday didn't suck too bad, the kids were relatively subdued for some reason. Of course, I had that conference after school, which went a little longer than I'd expected, so I didn't get out of work as early as I'd hoped because I still had a couple things to do before I left for the weekend. SO that meant that I missed Aaron stopping by the house on his way out of town - which was a bit on the sucky side since I haven't seen him since Monday night when I went to his b-ball game and then hung out, and he won't be back in town till Sunday.

Wednesday when I got home, Mom and I washed the china and crystal and silverware and got the table set. Then we made the pies. It actually didn't take too long to make them, Mom made the filling for the pecan and she peeled the apples for me, and I ended up having the pies all lined up waiting to go in the oven. Each one takes about an hour to bake. As usual, I made more pie than was needed, we were left with almost a whole pumpkin, and about a third of the pecan and the apple.

Anyway, Mom and I split the prep work for dinner. I got up with her yesterday morning and stuffed and seasoned the bird, and I carved it before dinner. Not the greatest carving job, but it was my first time. There were ten of us to dinner, though Jeff was working off some food poisoning from a day or so prior, so he didn't eat anything. After dinner we just kinda lounged about once the clean up was done, no playing of games. Brian played guitar a little bit, and I gave Rie and Rachel the spiffy hand spa treatment with the stuff I got at the mall kiosk. Everybody left about 5:30, except Christina and Jeff, they stayed till about 7:30.

After everybody left, I went over to Janet's parents, where Janet, Ange, Sue and Dave had congregated. Us four girls ended up playing Cranium, after drinking cheap champagne so Sue was rather drunk (and on my team). It was fun, haven't seen everybody in a long time. Tonight I'm meeting Ange out for Cosmic bowling, and that'll be the last time I see any of my friends until Chris's New Year's party - and I should make plans to have lunch with Chris or something, I's 'shamed of myself for not getting together with him since.... I can't even remember the last time I hung out with him....

So Sunday night, Aaron and I went out to dinner with Dad and Christina and Jeff. It was hard, let's just say it. It was the first time I'd actually spent time with Dad since August. It was a little better once Christina and Jeff got there, they're more talkative than me and Aaron - and Aaron of course was nervous meeting Dad as it was, and I don't talk much normally and was extra quiet because, well, it was awkward.

Dad's planning to stop over Monday night to say goodbye, he's leaving Tuesday for Iraq. I already told Dr. Pretzat that I wouldn't be at rehearsal, though I'll likely shoot her an email to remind her since I talked to her a couple weeks ago about it. But there's no way I'd make it to rehearsal, and even if I did I'd be to upset to sing at all. It'll be hard going to work on Tuesday, but it's better than taking a personal day to sit home and be all weepy. I'd rather be where I'll be busy.

Christina ran into Dad last week and reportedly Gramma G is having everyone over to her house tomorrow for a farewell dinner - except that Christina and I weren't invited. I mean, Dad telling Christina may have been the invite, but if she hadn't seen him he likely wouldn't have mentioned it, and the only reason I know is because Christina told Mom and Mom told me, because nothing has been said to me directly. Makes me feel really shitty and unwanted, I'm sure Christina feels the same.

I made some stops around town this afternoon after I got my car winterized. I'm trying to decide what to get Aaron for Christmas. I have a couple ideas, but I'm not sure what to settle on. Plus his birthday is early in January, so I need to get something for that too, though I'm pretty much decided on his birthday present. The ideas I have for Christmas are pretty good, it's just deciding and then finding the "right" item.

I also need to get together with Christina to go shopping for Mom and for others. I already ordered one thing for Mom, but she's got a whole list of things she wants. As for me... people keep asking what I want, and aside from a digital camera there isn't anything I particularly want or need. I suppose it might be nice to get a DVD/VCR combo, because now that I know how to access the AV hookups on the front of my VCR, I can take my old DVD player and VCR to work to hook up to my TV there, since I know the VCR can be hooked up, and actually have machines that WORK instead of the 1980s relic I have now. I mean, it's operational, and the TV itself is crap, but still. They aren't releasing movies on VHS anymore, and so if I want to acquire any kids movies it'll have to be on DVD anyway. But I still have need for a VCR since I have all the old Disney movies on VHS.

I'm rambling. I need to get my Ff and Gg words and picture cards done so I can get ready for Cosmic bowling.

social life, christmas, shopping, cooking/baking, family, work

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