Jun 12, 2006 22:00
Well, there's been a few people wondering where I've been recently and even random rumours flying around (The ones i've heard being unfortunately untrue :( ).
Well, in the months since my last update I've done all my exams and finished my degree, currently waiting for the results which have been delayed because of the strike stuff, but hopefully get them sooner rather than later.
Spent a lot of time sorting out summer, getting jobs lined up and stuff. Currently I'm doing cleaning on campus which has led to me being up at 7am 8 days running now, with 4 more days to go (including 6am on sunday) and then spending all day running around carrying things in the high temperatures, sometimes in the sun. As a bonus i dont do any cleaning, but its really tiring so not been going out. Surprisingly fun though, met a buncha cool people so tend to have a laugh.
Sometime at the end of the month I move house and change jobs to a helpdesk based one, less hours and manual labour hopefully, but pay will work out similar, which will be nice. Will be able to sort out a trip back to Essex as well at some point as well (someone tell me when everyone will be around).
What else has happened, there was a taglan that was fun as always, had some aerobie throwing, a bit of laser quest, a beach trip, and other fun things, but yeah been busy mostly. Had maybe 2 times of more than 5 mins on computer in the last 9 days or so which has been quite a refreshing change.
Ummm, more stuff prolly should go here, but sleep time and my mind is tiiiired.
Oh, and for you oh jo....teh sexy.
That is all.