Well, i guess an update of sorts. First things first, got my project in. Ended up at about 16000 words and 50 odd pages plus a load of appendices. I really feel the hole project was a total loss in the end. Yes I now know j2me really well and it was good to get knowledge on building large programs for the first time ever, but I had *really* hoped I'd get to do something I'd enjoy and really get into it and have hours of fun tinkering with bits. In the end i just got fed up with the whole thing and couldnt be bothered. Looking back I wish I'd put more thought into my own ideas, maybe do something involving websites and such, would of be of infinitely more interest to me. At least its done.
Next, I had a couple of pleasant surprises recently. First, getting 51% in my quant economics test. For those who don't know, this module is, in my opinion, the hardest module I've ever done (and its only rated as Intermediate, not higher). I expected about 10%, so 51% was awesome. Got 63% in the first one having expected 40%, so maybe, just maybe i can pull off 55% or so in the final exam. Second bonus was the bursary people emailed me random giving me some more money, which is always nice!
Erm, Taglan people -
http://charsent.phlipped.co.uk/taglan.html - Just some useful information while the wiki is down. Read the top 2 points, particularly #1. Tiggs can you poke DA to it please? :).
What else....finally put a properly working hard drive in my main PC and its working again. Takes ages to boot for some reason, but it hasn't randomly crashed yet.
Also managing to still (mostly) not having trouble getting to sleep, although i've had a few 2/3am's recently which i really hope won't throw me out again. After tomorrow's test at 11am I dont have a reason to get up early til about the 6th of May, i think if by the end of April i can still sleep by midnight relatively easily i can be a bit more comfortable its settled in!
I know i had something else to say....but i've forgotten it. So sleep.