Apr 17, 2006 14:12
I was just looking at this drawing thread on a forum....and I realized I've draw people pictures before as gifts, and I now realize it ment nothing to them. They have drawings done by people who are much better then me, and it seems, that is all that matters to them...not the fact I put hours and hours into something for them that I thought ment something...seeing I had the person in mind while I did it. They have other art hanging on their walls of similar things and brag about it...yet, I never even saw my picture laying around..I imagen it was thrown out or tossed into a closet. It really hurts. I know I won't be drawing for this person again. Maybe I'll buy some meaningless gift this year. Oh well. I'm not wasting my time on it any longer. Although, I have to thank Val, because she always seems to treasure my drawings for what they are, and not how good it is. I can't even put into words what it means to me...even though it is only a simple drawing, I DO put everything into them. I may not be very good yet, but hopefully someday, I'll be good enough for people to want to hang my work up. Anyway, thank you val. Although I doubt, you, or this other person, come on here at all. I sure miss talking to you :)