Stepping into the Apocalypse Proves More Deadly on SPN! (My 13x21 Thoughts)

May 03, 2018 23:20

I also got a tumblr page (link on the side) so many of the gifs used here have been reblogged there (since I have no clue as to how to make a gif).

Alright so here is a jotted recap of the episode with my initial thoughts included throughout and after the episode. I do it this way because my memory sucks when it comes to recalling things that don't revolve around my OTP for the series.



"Supernatural" - ep. 13x21 ("Beat the Devil") [CW Promo]
[My Tumblr Page for 13x21] [Producer's Preview]

Synopsis: THE LONG JOURNEY HOME - Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles), Castiel (Misha Collins) and Gabriel (guest star Richard Speight, Jr.) must work together if they have any hope of bringing Mary (guest star Samantha Smith) and Jack (Alexander Calvert) home. Meanwhile, Rowena’s (guest star Ruth Connell) encounter with Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) may alter the outcome of the journey for one of our heroes.

Back to the Apocalypse World we go!
So many familiar faces!! I LOVE IT!

-       Lucifer's new focus on finding Jack
-       Sam and Rowena bond over their fear of Lucifer
-       Gabriel's grace being at low power
-       Dean going through the rift
-       Mary and Jack stay away from Michael's armies
-       Castiel believes they need their strongest allies if they want to unite their family
-       Pizza dinner with Castiel, Jack and the Winchesters
-             Castiel can't believe that Dean is eating his 7th slice
-                   "Castiel's right, I counted." -Jack
-                         Dean doesn't think he's had enough
-                               Jack wonders if Dean always had that appetite
-                                     Mary agrees that he did as a baby
-             Sam helps Mary clean up
-                   Dean motions for Castiel to pass the pizza
-                         Sam checks in on Mary
-       Sam wakes up from his dream
-             Damn it!
-       Rowena gathers up their ingredients
-             Sam and Dean pack up their gear
-                   Castiel joins them and reports about Gabriel's whereabouts
-                         "Hey, how's Gabriel?" -Sam
-                         "He said he needed a minute alone. He wanted to extract his grace by himself in private." -Castiel
-                               Sam stares at Castiel
-                         "So I left him alone in Dean's room." -Castiel
-                         "What? No." -Dean
-                               Sam smirks at Dean while Castiel is confused
-                                     HA!
-       Rowena brings up their short window for the rift (24 hours)
-             They have no back up plans
-       Gabriel enters with his small sliver of archangel grace
-             Rowena prepares the spell
-                   Sam and Dean pack up the gear
-       Rowena chants the spell
-             The rift appears before it disappears
-                   Everyone is stunned
-                         "I thought it'd be enough." -Gabriel
-       Castiel points out that their last option is Lucifer for the archangel grace
-             Sam and Rowena refuse
-                   Castiel insists
-                         "What do we do now?" -Sam
-                         "Hell if I know." -Dean
-                         "You do know. We all do." -Castiel
-                               Rowena looks scared towards Sam
-                         "We need archangel grace. Gabriel's obviously running a little low and we don't know
-                          how long it'll take him to recover. So that leaves exactly one source on Earth." -Castiel
-                         "No." -Sam
-                         "I don't like it either but there is no other way. We need Lucifer." -Castiel
WEBCLIP No. 1 -- Kitchen
-       Sam argues with Dean and Castiel about involving Lucifer
-             "Obviously I want to get Mom and Jack back. It's all I want. It's all I can think about.
-              But we've been down this road before. Teaming up with Lucifer..." -Sam
-             "We're not teaming up with him." -Dean
-             "We just need his grace." -Castiel
-                   Sam doubts that it'll be simple
-       Dean brings up their track record
-             Sam does the same thing
-                   "We've trapped his ass before." -Dean
-                   "Yes and every time it ends up the same way, with the Devil being on the loose again." -Sam
-                   "Look Sam, I was used by Lucifer too. It was the worst possible violation. So I'm not taking your
-                    reluctance lightly but he is already out there, and we've been ignoring it and avoiding...dealing with
-                    him because we're afraid." -Castiel
-                         Sam looks away
-                   "We let Lucifer out of the cage and he's never stopped being our responsibility." -Castiel
-                         Sam shakes his head
-       Tension between Gabriel and Rowena
-             Gabriel tries to explain his lack of grace
-                   Rowena doesn't want excuses
-                         "It doesn't make me any less of an archangel." -Gabriel
-                         "Oh right." -Rowena
-             Gabriel tries to blame Rowena for the spell failure
-                   Rowena defends her ability to cast a spell
-       Gabriel wonders if the boys will be long
-             Rowena believes so
-       Internal monologues of Gabriel and Rowena checking each other out
-             Flirting starts between them
-                   "We have a little time. How would you like to fill it?" -Rowena
-                         OMG! =O
-       Dean wonders what Sam thinks
-             Sam knows they are right...they need Lucifer
-                   Dean points out their 24hr time limit regardless if they get Lucifer's grace
-                         "Bright side is, even if we do pull it off, we still only get 24 hours in the Apocalypse world.
-                          And Rowena’s right. We’ll be lucky to even hear a word of Mom and Jack, much less
-                          save ’em, so…" -Dean
-                               Sam gets an idea
-       Sam, Dean and Castiel go to find Gabriel and Rowena
-             The library is empty
-                   "Guys?" -Dean
-                         Rowena makes a few noises before showing herself (she's disheveled)
-                               Gabriel pops up with an excuse
-                                     "We were just in the library." -Gabriel
-                                           Sam and Dean stare at them in shock
-                                                 Castiel stares at the ground
-                                                       "Did you boys arrive at a…decision?" -Rowena
-                                                       "Sam has a plan." -Dean
-                                                             LMFAO!
-       Lucifer drinks a lot
-             Lucifer had Heaven and Hell in his control and yet it didn't matter
-                   "You know what I learned? They don't matter. Nothing matters." -Lucifer
-       Lucifer brings up Jack
-             Lucifer can't feel Jack since he's been back
-                   Bartender calls Jack by name
-                         Lucifer gets suspicious
-       Lucifer feels the effects of a drug
-             Bartender is revealed to be Gabriel
-                   "Hey Brother!" -Gabriel
-                         Lucifer tries to attack Gabriel
-                               "I killed you." -Lucifer
-                               "Suprirse." -Gabriel
-       Lucifer tries to leave
-             Lucifer finds himself back in the bar
-                   Gabriel welcomes him back
-       Lucifer wonders what Gabriel did to him
-             Rowena appears
-                   Lucifer laughs
-                         "I killed you too." -Lucifer
-       Rowena uses magic to restrain Lucifer
-             Gabriel brings out the archangel blade
-                   Lucifer goads Gabriel to kill him
-                         "Put me out of my misery." -Lucifer
-                               Gabriel knocks Lucifer out
-       Lucifer wakes up in the Bunker
-             Rowena prepares the spell
-       Lucifer notices the Winchesters and Castiel
-             Lucifer realizes that his grace is what they want
-                   Rowena places the spell bowl in front of Lucifer
-                         Castiel cuts Lucifer's throat, allowing the grace to drop into the bowl
-       Rowena casts the spell
-             The rift appears
-                   Sam explains that they plan to drain Lucifer of his grace to keep the rift open longer
-                         "We're gonna drain you." -Sam
-                               Sam admits that they have a lot to do in the Apocalypse World
-                                     Sam and Dean gear up again
-                                           "When we get back, then we'll kill you." -Sam
-                                           "Cool." -Lucifer
-       Sam wonders if Rowena will be okay with Lucifer
-             Rowena knows that she needs to stay behind to keep an eye on Lucifer
-                   "Go save your mom." -Rowena
-       Sam, Castiel, Gabriel and Dean enter the rift
-             Rowena smiles
-                   Lucifer grows worried
Apocalypse World
-       The quartet gets spit out of the rift (and land awkwardly)
-             Dean remembers what Charlie told him about Mary's outpost
-                   Sam wonders if Castiel can locate their spot
-                         Castiel calculates their location
-                               Dean determines their direction
-       Lucifer tries to bait Rowena with his words
-             Rowena continues to read her book
-                   "Sorry Lucy, I'm not biting." -Rowena
-       Lucifer starts to sing...badly
-             Rowena starts getting a headache
Apocalypse World
-       Castiel wonders what Gabriel has planned next when they return
-             Gabriel doesn't have any idea
-                   They need to find Mary, Jack and defeat Michael
-             Gabriel brings up having sex with Rowena
-       Castiel brings up Heaven's dire state
-             Gabriel is stunned
-                   "Heaven is dying, Gabriel." -Castiel
-                   "You serious?" -Gabriel
-                   "Very." -Castiel
-                         Gabriel thinks he's a screw up (he thinks he shouldn't run Heaven)
-                               Castiel thinks Heaven needs Gabriel
-       Dean comments on Sam's changed outlook
-             Sam feels like they are getting closer to finding Mary and Jack
-       Screams are heard
-             Sam and Dean rush to join Castiel and Gabriel
-                   "Not our world, not our problem. Right?" -Gabriel
-       Two humans fight off a monster
-             Dean pulls the monster off the man
-                   Sam beheads the monster
-                         It's a monster they aren't familiar with
-                               The woman claims the monster is a vampire
-                                     Quick history lesson
-                                           Michael had his zombie infestation of the humans
-                                           Monsters became to starve with the lack of humans
-                                                 Mutated Vampires (due to starvation)
-       Floyd and Maggie are the only survivors of their group after crossing a nest in a tunnel to Dayton
-             Floyd and Maggie are trying to get to Jack's outpost
-                   The tunnel is the only quickest route to Dayton (though it's vampire infested)
-                         "We don't have time for a detour." -Sam
-                               Sam promises to protect Floyd and Maggie on their trip to Dayton
-                                     "If you still want to get to Dayton, we'll keep you safe." -Sam
-       Lucifer continues to sing
-             Rowena tries to knit
-       Lucifer brings up the last time he saw Rowena (when he killed her)
-             Rowena pauses
-                   Lucifer wanted Rowena to fight him back but she froze on him
-       Rowena snaps at Lucifer
-             Rowena tells Lucifer that he's nothing
-                   Lucifer gets angered and breaks free of his magic cuffs
-                         Lucifer attacks Rowena with his eyes glowing red
-             "You want to get inside my head, twist the knife? Two can play that game.
-              Do you know what your grace is making possible right now? The heartfelt family reunion of Sam, Dean,
-              Cas, Mary, and your very own son, Jack. That's right. Your wee boy's over there, and he'll be so glad to
-              see his three fathers. Of course, as far as he's concerned, they are his father. And you? You're nothing to
-              him. Or me. Or anyone now. Nothing." -Rowena
-             "Red, you shouldn't have made me mad. Step into my office." -Lucifer
-                   Lucifer confesses to Rowena that knowing about Jack has renewed the fight in him
-                         "You and Gabe, you kicked me when I was down. I didn’t have any fight. I didn’t have
-                          anything to live for. But you, you, you gave me something to fight for again. My boy. So for that,
-                          I’m going to be quick." -Lucifer
-       Lucifer gets ready to kill Rowena
-             Rowena uses magic to throw Lucifer off of her
-                   Lucifer flies into the rift
-                         Rowena is horrified to find Lucifer gone
-                               "Bollocks." -Rowena
-       Why didn't Rowena use magic to shut Lucifer up?
-       Rowena packs up her bag (and with the Black Grimoire)
-             Rowena tries to convince herself to stay but she tries to leave
-                   Rowena can't leave the boys
-       Rowena takes out the Black Grimoire and starts to find a way
Apocalypse World
-       Everyone gets geared up before entering the tunnel
-             Glowsticks get snapped on
-                   That tunnel looks like a mineshaft
-       A rough start with some trips
-             The group stumbles upon a feeding vampire
-                   Sam beheads the vampire
-       Dean continues to lead the way
-             Some vampire hiccups along the way
-       Dean sees a blocked passage
-             Castiel and Gabriel start moving rocks out of the way
-       Maggie hears a noise
-             Everyone is on alert
-                   Vampires swarm
-                         Floyd gets taken
-                               Dean protects Maggie
-                                     Sam fights vampires off until they gang up on him
-                                           Dean gets pinned down himself
-       Sam gets bitten in the neck, blood gushing, before Sam is dragged away
-             Castiel rushes after Sam
-                   Dean beats off his vampire attackers and kills them before rushing after Sam
-                         Castiel returns alone...Sam is gone
-                               Dean refuses to believe that
-                                     Castiel holds Dean back...they don't have time
-                                           "Dean, we can't save him." -Castiel
-                                                 Dean is mortified
Apocalypse World
-       Dean walks yet relives Sam's last moments
-             Maggie tries to apologize to Dean about Sam
-                   Dean walks away
-       Sam's bloody body lays below
-       Castiel struggles against the angel warding
-             Gabriel disables the warding
-       Rebels swarm the barrier
-             Castiel tries to explain their presence
-                   Mary appears and notices Castiel
-                         "We're just looking for...Mary." -Castiel
-       Mary starts to ask Castiel questions before she notices Dean
-             Dean is shocked
-                   Mary pulls Dean into her arms
-                         "How'd you even find us?" -Mary
-                               Dean is so torn
-       Mary wonders about Sam
-             Dean starts to cry
-                   I'M IN TEARS HERE!
-       Sam wakes up with a start
-             Sam checks his's healed
-                   Lucifer appears
-                         Sam is startled
-                               "Hey Sammy." -Lucifer
-                                     Sam is horrified to learn that Lucifer resurrected him
-                                           Lucifer admits that he's been tracking Sam
-       Sam worries about Rowena
-             Lucifer reassures Sam that Rowena is safe
-       Sam wonders how Lucifer has his power back
-             Lucifer ate some of Michael's angels to repower himself
-       Sam tries to leave
-             Sam sees the vampires blocking his path
-                   Lucifer is holding them off
-       Sam wonders what Lucifer wants
-             Lucifer wants Jack
-                   "What do you want?!" -Sam
-                   "I want what you already have. A relationship with my son." -Lucifer
-                         Lucifer thought bringing Sam back as a gift to Jack
-       Lucifer points out that Sam needs him to deal with Michael
-             Sam wants his options
-                   Lucifer reassures Sam that he'll get to Jack...the question is whether Sam will be with him or not
-                         "The question is are you coming with or that [vampires]? Your move, champ." -Lucifer
-                               Lucifer gets ready to release the vampires
-                                     Sam needs to make a choice
Apocalypse World
-       The group is escorted back to base
-             Jack paces about Sam's death
-                   Castiel tries to calm Jack down
-                         Jack questions Gabriel about resurrecting Sam
-                               Gabriel admits that he couldn't
-                                     "I'm so sorry." -Castiel
-       Dean is determined to get to Sam
-             Mary tries to get Dean to slow down
-       A bell starts to ring
-             Sam walks in all bloody
-                   Jack smiles
-                   Mary and Dean are stunned
-             Lucifer walks in
-                   Lucifer smiles when he sees Jack
-                         Jack grimaces
-                               "Hello son." -Lucifer

13x22 Promo = Lucifer tries to bid his helpfulness to the group = Dean wants Lucifer killed = Winchesters fight against the angels

For more of my thoughts taken directly after watching the episode, check out my youtube video for it here
==> [My After Show Video for 13x21]

See you next week for another episode!

character: sam winchester, character: castiel, my opinion, show: supernatural, tv spoilers, episode reactions, character: dean winchester

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