Jeremy says Goodbye to Mystic Falls on VD! (My 6x14 Thoughts)

Feb 12, 2015 20:51

If you haven't heard, I got a tumblr account so many gifs I used here, I had reblogged them onto my tumblr since I have no clue how to make one!

Alright so here is a jotted recap of the episode with my initial thoughts included throughout and after the episode. I do it this way because my memory sucks when it comes to recalling things that don't revolve around my OTP for the series.


Don't forget: light blue are thoughts, red is sneak peek parts
Once again, I apologize for the format if its out of alignment...again -_-

"Vampire Diaries" - ep. 6x14 ("Stay") [wiki page here] [Extended Promo]
[Producer's Preview] [My Tumblr page for 6x14]

Synopsis: GOODBYE, MYSTIC FALLS - It’s Jeremy’s (Steven R. McQueen) last day in Mystic Falls and Elena (Nina Dobrev) puts on a brave face as they reminisce about their past. Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline (Candice Accola) find themselves growing closer as they prepare Caroline’s family cabin for her mother to live out her final days. While packing up her office, Sheriff Forbes (guest star Marguerite MacInytre) turns to Damon (Ian Somerhalder) for help solving one of her remaining open cases involving Elena’s parents. Elsewhere, when a violent confrontation with Enzo (Michael Malarkey) leaves Jeremy wondering whether he should leave or not, Matt (Zach Roerig) finds his own life on the line after Enzo lures him and Sarah Salvatore (guest star Tristan Mays) into his dangerous plan. Lastly, Caroline rushes to the hospital after learning her mother has taken a turn for the worse.

While I'm said to see Jeremy leave, at least he's not dying! When he and Elena reminisce together, will we see flashbacks or old archive footage (like with Elena's memories of Damon being revisited in 6x02)?

I can't wait for the police partnership between Liz and Damon!

Previously on the Vampire Diaries:
-       Elena tells Jeremy to go to art school
-       Enzo's revenge against Stefan
-       Finding Sarah Salvatore
-       Liz's Cancer situation
Flashback -- Police Station
-       Liz gives orders to her fellow officers
-             Liz gets a call about a car accident
-       Liz learns that Elena survived the accident while Grayson and Miranda died
-             Elena is wheeled away
-                   Liz is shocked
Police Station
-       Liz packs up her things yet stops to look back at an old case file (the Gilbert Car Accident)
Mystic Falls High School
-       Damon and Elena try to get Jeremy's early graduation pushed through
-             Jeremy had been accepted into art school
-                   The request is denied
-                         Damon compels the principal
Mystic Grill
-       Jeremy, Matt and Alaric toast to Jeremy's last day
-             Tyler gets a free pass (since he broke up with Liv)
-                   Alaric gets more drinks
-       Matt gets a call from Enzo which surprises Jeremy
-             Enzo tells Matt that Sarah is in town
-                   Matt sees Sarah walk into the Grill
-                         Sarah is there on business
-       WEBCLIP #1 starts
-       Jeremy is about to drink his shot
-             Damon and Elena walk in
-                   Damon gives Jeremy his graduation diploma and hat ("Look who graduated!")
-                         Jeremy is surprised that he has his diploma
-                               Damon and Elena explain that some compulsion was needed
-                                     Damon comments on Jeremy's flunking grades and missing 100 days of school
-       Elena walks off before the emotions get to her
-             Jeremy asks Damon if Elena is okay
-                   "She will be." -Damon
-             Damon jokes about everyone moving on from Jeremy
-                   "We all will. Somehow we'll all find a way to move on without you Jeremy." -Damon
-                         Jeremy laughs
-                               "Oh hey, just did." -Damon
-                                     Damon smirks

-       Damon tells Jeremy of his hidden present in the grad cap...a joint
-             "Put it away you idiot." -Damon
-                   Jeremy smiles
-                         "Tell your sister and I'll kill you...again." -Damon
-                               They smile
-                                     Damon walks off
-       They are gonna miss each other! Boys, don't deny it!
Forbes Cabin
-       Stefan and Caroline drive up
-             Caroline thinks Jeremy leaving is for the best
-                   "I really am happy for him." -Caroline
-       Stefan wonders if Caroline packed enough for Liz
-             Caroline explains that she wanted to surround her mother with things she wanted during her final days
-                   Stefan picks up a few boxes
-                         Stefan's phone rings yet he asks Caroline to get it
-                               Awkward exchange as she retrieves his phone
-                                     Why not have Caroline take the boxes and he retrieves his phone? Awkwardness averted!
-       Caroline answers the phone...when its Liz
-             Liz wonders where Caroline is
-                   Caroline's whereabouts is a surprise
-             Caroline brings up how Liz asked Stefan to take care of Caroline
-                   Liz tries to deny it
-                         Phone call ends
Police Station
-       Liz sees Damon by the door
-             "I think dying gets you a ticket out of work." -Damon

-       Damon wonders how Liz is
-             Liz doesn't want to leave her job with open cases
-                   Damon offers to help
-                         Damon flips through files and notices that he was the case of them all
-       Liz gives Damon the file for Gilberts' car crash
-             Damon is stunned that the case is still open
-                   Liz explains that at the time she was taking care of Elena and Jeremy (what about Jenna?)
-                   Liz never wanted to burden Elena with the case when it was still new to them
-             When Liz wanted to reopen the case, Elena had moved on and Liz had become friends with Damon
-                   Liz had feared that Damon was the cause for the car crash
-                         Damon is stunned ("No, I promise you.")
-       Liz replays the last message she got from Miranda (2 hrs before the accident) to Damon
-             Damon is intrigued
Mystic Grill
-       Jeremy goes out back to try to smoke the joint
-             Elena catches him and demands for the joint
-                   Jeremy tattles on Damon
-             Elena comments on Alaric's disappearance
-                   Jeremy explains that Alaric left so that no one in town would recognize him (since he's supposed to be dead)
-       Elena asks for a lighter...with a defense of smoking a join with Jeremy being the most normal thing they've done
-             Jeremy hands over the lighter
WEBCLIP #2 -- Forbes Cabin
-       Stefan fixes a light fixture
-             Caroline walks out with her old bike
-                   Caroline gets a little flustered after seeing Stefan
-             Caroline shares the story of when she first learned to ride
-       Caroline wonders what's up with Stefan fixing things
-             Stefan explains his latest fix
-                   "You know you don't have to do all of this, right?" -Caroline
-                         Stefan wants to make sure the cabin is safe for Liz
-       Caroline gives Stefan an out
-             "You know if you have some place you'd rather be..." -Caroline
-             "I don't." -Stefan
-                   They smile at each other
Police Station
-       Damon looks over files while Liz brings him new files
-             Damon wants a drink to ease the load
-                   Liz tells Damon where to find a bottle of alcohol
-                         "This is why you're a terrible sherriff." -Damon
-                               Damon takes a drink
-                   Liz argues that she's a terrible sherriff because her friend is responsible for a handful of her open cases
-       Liz wonders why Damon and Stefan were in town on the day of the Gilbert car crash
-             Damon reveals that his mother died around that time
-                   When his emotions were on, he'd come back to town to leave flowers on his mother's grave
-                         "Believe it or not Liz I once had a mommy too, she died around that day,
-                          and the years my emotions were on I’d stop by and lay flowers on her grave." -Damon
-                   That actually makes sense as to why both brothers were in town on May 29th
-       Liz wonders more about Damon's mom
-             Damon doesn't want to talk about it
-       Damon wonders why there was luggage in the car's trunk
-             Liz is suspicious
Mystic Grill Backalley

-       Jeremy and Elena share some fries while wondering how many cars they destroyed
-             They are both high
-                   Elena gets a call from Liz...yet she ignores it
-       Elena believes she's the worst sister ever
-             Jeremy doesn't think she is

-       Elena gets a call from Damon
-             Damon wonders if Elena could get to Liz's office
-                   Elena confesses that she and Jeremy smoked Damon's joint
-                         "Are you stoned?" -Damon
-                               Elena giggles
-             Damon gives Elena tips to sober up before she arrives
-                   Elena agrees and heads out

-       Jeremy gets a visit from Enzo
-             Jeremy is surprised that Enzo is alive
Mystic Grill
-       Matt and Sarah bond over photos on her camera
-             Matt stumbles upon some interesting photos of Sarah
-       Matt gets a call from Enzo
-             Enzo wants Matt to take Sarah to a specific location for a meeting
-                   Matt refuses
-                         Enzo reveals that he has Jeremy as his leverage against Matt
-                               Did Enzo feed Jeremy his blood?
Forbes Cabin
-       Caroline unpacks some books
-       Stefan walks in and asks about the crate of alcohol they brought with them
-             Caroline gives a simple answer
-       Stefan notices Caroline's tense behavior
-             Caroline worries about rearranging books for her mom
-                   Stefan takes over the task
-                         Caroline takes the alcohol and walks off
Police Station
-       Elena is stunned about the luggage in the trunk
-             Elena remembers texting Bonnie
-       Liz apologizes to Elena about delaying the case
-             Elena appreciated all that Liz did for them immediately after the crash (when Jenna failed)
-                   Damon learned that Liz tried to cook
-       Elena offers to ask Jeremy about that night
-             Elena kisses Damon goodbye
-       Liz looks over some files before she feels woozy
-             Damon rushes to her side
-                   Liz claims that she's fine
-       Matt and Sarah take a walk under the bridge (griffitti there)
-             Sarah starts taking photos
-       Matt calls Enzo to know where the vampire is
-             Enzo directs Matt into the road
-                   Enzo runs Matt over
-                         Sarah rushes to Matt's side
Forbes Cabin
-       Stefan takes a drink on the porch
-             Caroline joins him with news that Liz is running late at the office
-       Stefan tells Caroline that Liz's last moments don't matter, only the ones leading up to it do
-             Caroline admits to wanting to control the last moments
-                   Stefan takes Caroline's hand
-       Caroline tells Stefan that she knows what Liz asked him to do
-             Stefan tells Caroline that he isn't there for Liz but for Caroline

-       Stefan admits that when Caroline said she hated him, it was the worst thing he's heard
-             "I think we both know that I never really hated you." -Caroline
-                   Stefan kisses Caroline
-                         Note the sun shining between Delena's kisses in the light (is it an OTP sign?)
-                         So glad that a phone ringing didn't interrupt them
-       Sarah worries over Matt
-             Enzo walks up
-                   Sarah tells Enzo that the EMT is on their way
-             Enzo offers to help
-                   Enzo feeds Matt this blood
-                         Sarah freaks out
-                               "Stay calm luv." -Enzo
-                         Matt heals
-                               Enzo rushes off
Salvatore Kitchen
-       Jeremy grabs some ice
-             Elena walks in and sees Jeremy's injuries
-                   Jeremy reveals that it was Enzo's doing
-       Elena tells Jeremy about Liz asking about the car accident
-             Jeremy remembers that Miranda threatened to have Jeremy arrested for smoking pot (Jenna was giggling)
-                   Jeremy recalls that the last time he spoke to his mom was through a door while arguing
Police Station
-       Elena calls Damon about the new development
-             Damon ends the call
-       Damon joins Liz and explains that the call was a joke
-             Liz wonders about the luggage
-                   Damon brings up the storm that delayed Grayson's secret getaway trip (its why they took Wickery Bridge)
-       Liz decalres the case closed
-             Liz wants Damon to tell Caroline to surprise her the next day...she's tired
-                   Damon walks off
-       Liz takes off her badge and leaves her office
-             That's it? I kinda wished there was something more to the accident
Salvatore Boarding House
-       Elena gets off the phone
-             Jeremy asks about Liz's condition
-                   Elena explains that Liz is getting worse (according to Damon)
-                         Jeremy doesn't think it's time for him to go
-                               Alaric walks in and sides with Elena about Jeremy needing to leave
-       Alaric offers to take Jeremy to the airport so that Elena could be with Liz
-             Elena tells Jeremy to expect a gift from her in a few days
-                   "Wait, you're giving me your car?" -Jeremy

-             Elena hugs Jeremy
Forbes' House
-       Damon helps Liz to bed (deja vu with Rose anyone?)
-             Damon notices Liz's distress over the accident
-                   Liz wanted something to blame the accident on
-       Liz breaks down a bit
-             Damon comforts Liz
-                   "Sometimes really terrible things happen to really amazing people." -Damon

-       Liz takes comfort in knowing that she'll die an ordinary death
-             "I'm exceptionally ordinary. I'm okay with that. Caroline is anything but. She was meant to be extraordinary." -Liz
-                   Liz wants Caorline to know how extraordinary she is
-                         Damon tells Liz that she will know because Liz will tell her

-       Liz thanks Damon for the day, for being there for her
-             Damon takes Liz's hand

-       Damon brings up his mother's death
-             Damon never spent much time in her last days but he offered to write her eulogy yet he never attended the funeral
-                   "You want a second chance? Write mine. Do me a favor, nothing dirty." -Liz
-                   "No promises." -Damon
-       Liz wants that drink from Damon
-             Damon gets up and asks Liz what type of drink
-                   Liz doesn't answer
-                         Oh no!
-       Caroline rushes in with Stefan
-             Caroline demands for answers about Liz
-                   Damon comes out and tells Caroline that he tried to wake Liz up but she slipped into a coma
-       Caroline rushes to Liz's room
-             Caroline sees Liz in her bed
-                   "I didn't get a chance to say goodbye." -Caroline
-                         Caroline cries
-                               Stefan stands beside her
-       Stefan leaves a message for Tyler about Caroline and Liz
-             Damon walks up to Stefan with news that Liz is stable yet declining
-                   Damon walks out for some air
-       Stefan goes in to join Caroline (who is by Liz's side)
-             "I should have been with her." -Caroline
-       Stefan tries to comfort Caroline
-             Caroline blames herself for not being with Liz in her final moments
-                   Stefan thinks that Caroline can still be with Liz in her final moments
-                         Like a memory jump thing that Katherine did with Nadia in 5x15 or Damon to Rose in 2x12?
-       Alaric and Jeremy at the bus stop (they joke about the airport being packed)
-             Alaric gives Jeremy a bag of vampire hunting weapons
-                   "You found your purpose. You might as well pursue it." -Alaric
-             Alaric gives Jeremy coordinates and possible hunts
-                   Art school is a lie to please Elena
-                         Wait, what?
-       Alaric reminds Jeremy of what being a vampire hunter means
-             "I'll send you leads and you can follow up on them." -Alaric
-       Bus arrives
-             Alaric hugs Jeremy
-                   "I'm proud of you Jeremy." -Alaric
-             Jeremy wants to be the first person Alaric calls if Bonnie returns
-                   Alaric agrees
-       Jeremy boards the bus
-             Bus drives away
-       Oh my! I wasn't expecting that twist! It makes sense! Jeremy couldn't just walk away from the supernatural!
-       Stefan coaches Caroline into jumping into Liz's memories
-             Caroline is surprised that they can do that
-       Stefan tells Caroline to take Liz's hand
-             Caroline focuses on a favorite memory

-       Caroline remembers the day that Liz taught Caroline how to ride her bike
-             "Don't let go. I'm not ready." -Caroline
-             "Yes you are." -Liz
-                   Liz watches Caroline pedal away with a smile
-                         Cue the tears
-                               In that brief moment when we see Liz's silhouette, she could pass as an older Caroline
-       Caroline opens her eyes
-             Damon, Elena, Matt and Stefan stand behind her
-       Liz flatlines
-             Caroline cries ("She's gone.")
-                   Stefan bows his head
-                   Elena leans on Damon
-       Someone turns off the heart monitor

As if Jeremy's departure wasn't sad enough, Liz had to die too! I truly thought that if Liz were to die at all, it would be in the next episode (6x15).

While Damon spent Liz's last day with her by helping her fulfil her wish (and I absolutely love that time they spent together), I couldn't help but feel bad for Caroline as she spent the day at the family cabin with Stefan (and while I'm a Staroline fan, I don't think she's in the right state of mind to pursue a romantic development between her and Stefan).

I'm a little disappointed that nothing supernatural was behind the car accident. I thought maybe the luggage was because Grayson and Miranda were going to run and hide Elena because they heard of a supernatural threat against her.

Jeremy's departure...his goodbye with Alaric...makes a lot more sense now. I couldn't accept that Jeremy was leaving for art school but to learn that it was a ploy and that he's actually learning to pursue hunting, THAT makes more sense. Jeremy can't just walk away from the supernatural, not after the impact its made on his life. Now I can't help possibly crossover scenarios that have Jeremy running into the Winchesters and being taken under their wing.

See you next week for 6x15...Julie Plec's directorial debut and possibly Lexi's return in flashbacks! Maybe Mini Salvatores too!

character: jeremy gilbert, my opinion, character: enzo, episode reactions, character: elena gilbert, character: stefan salvatore, character: caroline forbes, tv spoilers, character: matt donovan, character: damon salvatore, show: vampire diaries

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