Jun 20, 2011 14:36
I got fairly worked up over the riots last week. I had my college application filled out for studying criminology last summer with a strong interest in herd mentality and mob behavior. It's something I'm very interested in and somewhat knowledgeable about. On a personal level the whole spectacle certainly touched a nerve but I was just as excited to find out how everything had unfolded, who was involved, what police tactics were used, etc. A few friends bought the idea that anarchists or at least the same people who tried to riot at the Olympics were behind the whole thing. It almost turned into a flame war on Twitter. It really annoyed me. It's like when you know so much about something but others are insistent that you're wrong based on nothing but their own speculation. I got so worked up over it that I spent hours writing a piece on why I was so certain that the instigators had no political leanings and why it was all down to the significant dozen of factors that led up to it. But I read plenty of comments from online news articles that reassured me that few people were buying it. And I'm trying to just leave it there.
I've started to become a lot more physically active these last few weeks. And it's a change I've been wanting for a long time. I guess it never happened because I could never bring myself to start. But now that I have, I can't really stop. And I'm fairly certain this is a life style change. I'm cycling 24km every morning, followed by the gym in the afternoon and starting today, yoga in the evening. Sore muscles, the endorphins, the sweat and the energy levels which have gone way beyond where they were last month, I love it all. But with this comes a social problem. Simply put, my group of friends aren't really active. A few of them are but for the most part, they're not. Trying to get folks to kick a ball or throw a frisbee around the park is like pulling teeth. There's a bit of interest but everyone ends up bailing. I've been thinking of organising a rafting trip but so far I've only talked about it with one person who I know would be very interested. I'm finding it hard to think of enough people that would actually go, as apposed to just wanting to go. I'm not exactly sure what I'm trying to say, if anything. I love my friends and have no interest in letting that go but I know I'm not getting what I want and need from them. Emotionally I am and they are great people but I do need something more.
I think I'm also having a few problems socially. There are a handful of friends who, when together, begin this obnoxious pantomime with each other. Saying arrogant pointless shit, being rude and ignorant all the while egging each other on to continue. 'I'm funny because this small group of people are laughing at my jokes so I'm hilarious'. I'd just ignore them altogether except for the fact that when it's a smaller group they're wonderful people. Straight up genuinely nice folks. It just means I'm less inclined to go to certain gatherings.
And lastly, I quit my job. I love the work and want to write about it some other time. But I'm very much done with the company. I'll enjoy my summer off before school.