Jul 12, 2004 18:00
So perhaps I overreacted last time I posted, but I offer no apologies nor do I ask for anyone's understanding. Those of you who wish to offer their understanding shall be apprecieted though. The tube in the nose (no matter how sexy it was) is out, and I am eating food. Johnny Rhodes for all of his faults, smuggled in some candy for me to munch on, right as the nurse brought me in my first meal... chicken broth. Ha, so I drank that and started on my Rice Kriskpy Treat! Well so I don't forget the others who visited me, George Sprague and Erin Lagesky (no idea how to spell her name, have only met her twice) came, and my favorite of all EMILY BOGART!!!!!!! came to see me and that brightened my day, along with the worlds worst game of Go Fish ever played. We had a blast in true drama kid style. I appreciate you guys coming to see me so much, and I may have looked like shit, but the four of you saw me looking better than anyone else so far.
It made me so happy that so many people came to see me. You guys seriously made this so much easier. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! Thanks for all of the gifts, they kept me occupied and they made me cry, you jew bastards.
So in an update, I hope to be out of here by tomorrow, they are letting me eat solids, and all is well. I fucking need a shower!
Probably the worst thing for me, and this is very sad, is not the pain, not any of that, not the lack of showering... it was the complete and utter lack of music. I listen to mucis 24/7, even when I'm alseep, 4 days without has left me drained. I couldn't even sing to myself. We need to have a music get together and overload!
Alright, thanks again guys... keep me updated, I'll call you guys when I get out and we'll hang out, hopefully the boss will let me off work tomorrow! Later
P.S. How is everybody?
P.S.S. Charity, you may have a piece of shit job but you have no idea how much the food that you prepare and sometimes deliver is appreciated. I know you are at Lapeer and I at Hurley, but I still thank you for my food :) ;) :D :O :*:*:*:* thanks