Adventfic #3 - Party Preparations

Dec 04, 2013 17:19

bookblather requested "Turk party".

Reeve had long since decided that Turks threw the best parties.

Even after a good portion of them bailed, bringing the Department of Administrative Research down to three, Turk parties still topped the massive corporate affairs President Alexander had once thrown.

This year, however, someone (likely named Reno) had decided to hold the party in Seventh Heaven. And invite the members of AVALANCHE. Which meant that Reeve had been doubly invited.

He looked from his invitations over to Elena, who was trying and failing to conceal a smirk. "Let me guess," he said dryly. "Reno wants to see if I can still control Cait Sith drunk."

Her amber eyes sparkled with amusement. "I wouldn't put it in precisely those terms, but yes."

Reeve rolled his eyes heavenward. "I would have thought he'd be busy trying to pry more war stories out of Valentine."

"Oh, that's on the agenda too," Elena assured him. "It's just that both tasks will likely involve copius amounts of alcohol."

"I expect I'll need copius amounts of alcohol to deal with Reno at a holiday party," Rufus muttered. A thought occured to him. "Surely Tifa didn't agree to foot the bill--"

"No, Tifa agreed he could hold the party at her bar so long as we either A) provid all the booze or B) pay for it all in advance."

It was good to know she hadn't taken leave of all her senses.
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character: elena, character: reeve, fandom: ff7

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