Adventfic #1 - Pitch

Dec 01, 2013 13:18


"You're flat."

Thrasher looked up from his music and gave Leandra the best withering look he could muster. "Why do you always say that?" he asked her.

Leandra smiled slightly. "Because you're always flat. Here--" She took his iPod out of his bag and ran her fingers softly over one of Steve's tires. "Steve, could you give me a signal, please?"

The Vehicon revved his engine just slightly as acknowledgement, and Leandra made a pleased noise as the iPod connected to the internet.  Tilting the screen away from Thrasher, she danced her fingers over the screen, presumably downloading something to make her point.

After a minute, she peered at the music and said, "Sing that D for me."

Thrasher sighed, vexed, but produced the required note.

Leandra shook her head, then tapped the screen of his iPod. Thrasher winced when he realised he'd been nearly an entire half step low. "Okay, I'm flat."

She returned the iPod to him. "Piano app. Even if you refuse to join a choir, you can at least use that to make sure you're on key."

"Why are you always right?" Thrasher grumbled, poking at the virtual piano keys.

"Perfect pitch has its uses," she said lightly, going back to the laptop in front of her.

Thrasher glanced at her, then lifted his eyes to where Soundwave was standing across the room.

Don't forget to leave your requests for tomorrow's fic in the comments for today's! Original post with fandoms and rules is here.

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character: thrasher, fandom: transformers, character: leandra

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